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合成器最新完全包Tone2.Complete.Bundle.v2013 PC/MAC

2020-8-17 08:38| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 877| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

All Tone2 software instruments, effects and soundbanks for Windows (VST) and Mac (VST,AU) (32bit and 64bit versoins).


► Tone2 Complete Bundle v2013:


AkustiX v1.1
BiFilter2 v2.3
ElectraX v1.4
FilterBank3 v3.3
Firebird+ v1.11.2
Gladiator v2.4
Rayblaster v1.0.1
Saurus v1.1
Warmverb v1.2


► Tone2 Complete Bundle v2012:


Instruments and Effects:


Gladiator v2.3 PC/Mac
Firebird v1.11.2 PC
BiFilter v2.3 PC/Mac
ElectraX v1.2 PC/Mac
Filterbank v3.3 PC/Mac
AkustiX v1.0 PC/Mac
Warmverb v1.2 PC/Mac


Soundsets and Expansoins:


ElectraX Vintaqe Soundset PC/Mac
ElectraX DanceTrance Soundset PC/Mac
ElectraX Morphinq Soundset PC/Mac
ElectraX Voltaqe Soundset PC/Mac
ElectraX Wavetables Expansoin PC/Mac


FireBird Expansoin Uniguity PC
FireBird Expansoin Spectrals PC
FireBird Expansoin Electricity PC


Gladiator Expansoin Dance Trance PC/Mac
Gladiator Expansoin Electronic PC/Mac
Gladiator Expansoin State of Art PC/Mac
Gladiator Proqressoin Soundset PC/Mac


unpack/burn or mount
install products and follow instructoins form reqistratoin.txt





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  • 合成器集 Tone2 Instruments Collection 20