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管风琴音源 Adam Monroe Music Rotary Organ v1.3 PC MAC

2019-11-6 11:27| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 8864| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

软件格式:VSTi, AAX, AUi WIN.OSX x86 x64
大小:1.17 GB

Adam Monroe's Rotary Organ was sampled from a Hammond M3 tonewheel Organ. The end goal was to simulate the sound of a Hammondnd B3 organ with rotating Leslie Speaker inside of a VST/AU/AAX plugin. Every drawbar on every note was sampled individually via the organ's built-in speaker through a Neumann TLM 102 microphone.
The signal was re-amped though a Fender Deluxe Reverb and recorded via a Sennheiser e906. Both signals were run through Grace M101 preamps. A Hammond M3 Organ combines the last two harmonics into a single drawbar, this note was omitted. Instead, a "digital foldback" teqchnique was used to extend the harmonics of the Hammond M3 to be similar to that of a Hammond B3.

The organ's range was augmented to be similar to that of a Hammond B3. This was accomplished by using the Organ's pedal tones to add the lower octave notes.

The Leslie Speaker simulation was designed to mimic a real Leslie. The signal is split to a virtual bottom rotor and virtual upper rotor at around 600 Hz. Vibrato, chorus, and
 panning processing are used to simulate the rotation of the rotors. The upper rotor spins between 48/409 RPM's and the bottom rotor spins between 40/354 RPM's. Bottom rotor rotation can be bypassed. The Leslie simulation can also be bypassed.

B3 effects where also digitally simulated and these include percussion, vibrato, and key click. Vibrato scanner is similar to that of a B3 and includes vibrato as well as vibrato+chorus. Key click was simulated by adding random noise to the attack and release samples. Some key click can be heard in the original samples but the effect has been exaggerated. Percussion was simulated in VST as it is in real life: a higher amplitude, percussive decaying sound is added to the instrument via the 2nd or 3rd harmonic. The plugin also includes reverb, braking, variable acceleration, drive/distortion, smoothing, adjustable stereo panning, key-splitting, and preset switching.
The instrument was equalized to sound slightly more aggressive than a typical Hammond organ and therefore has the potential to stand out more in a mix. This can be adjusted with the "smoothing" knob, which will attenuate some of the harsher frequencies
Inside the VST the amp and speaker signals go through preamp/gain staging whether or not the Leslie bypass is engaged. The plugin requires a decent CPU - at least an Intel Core I3. This is because internally each harmonic is being summed for each note - which can include things like percussion and key click - meaning that each note requires upwards of 22 voices. Internally the VST is capped at 330 voices, which is equivalent to 15 notes of polyphony. The voicelist also requires extra processing power, as (unlike a piano or other percussive instrument) each not can be sustained indefinitely, and thus newer notes must work around this limitation.

The plugin also does a fair amount of internal eq and sonic shaping depending on the preset. A great deal of time was spent experimenting and finding useful drawbar settings and eq combinations. There are 32 built-in presets modeled after classic Hammond Organ drawbar settings. You can hear an audio demonstration of these presets in the mp3 section.

The memory footprint of the plugin is around 400 MB. All of the plugin's samples are loaded into memory upon loading as the plugin is primarily comprised up of looped samples, padded out with short attack and release samples. This means that this particular plugin is not dependent on a fast hard drive as it does not need to buffer samples during execution.

The plugin is designed to work with VST AU and AAX native versions and a Kontakt version was not created. This is because the plugin relies heavily on internal programming - for everything from the Leslie simulation to sample fold-back - that would be impossible to replicate with the Kontakt player's simple scripting language.

This VST is, essentially, a hybrid between a Hammond M3 and B3 with a more aggressive sound. It is meant to sound a bit unique to already existing plugins and simulations, but with the wide range of parameter combinations, many sounds are possible.

亚当·门罗的扶轮器官是从哈蒙德M3音轮器官取样的。最终目标是模拟一个哈蒙德D3器官的声音与旋转莱斯利扬声器内的VST/AU/AAX插件。每个音符上的每个画栏都通过器官的内置扬声器通过 Neumann TLM 102 麦克风单独采样。
信号通过芬德豪华混响重新放大,并通过Sennheiser e906录制。两个信号都通过格蕾丝M101前置放大器运行。哈蒙德M3器官将最后两个谐波组合成一个单一的牵引杆,这个注释被省略了。相反,使用"数字折返"teqchnique来扩展哈蒙德M3的谐波,以类似于哈蒙德B3的谐波。


莱斯利扬声器模拟旨在模仿真正的莱斯利。信号被分割成一个虚拟底部转子和虚拟上转子,在600赫兹左右。上部转子在 48/409 RPM 和底部转子之间旋转 40/354 RPM。底部转子旋转可以绕过。莱斯利模拟也可以绕过。

B3 效果,其中也进行数字模拟,这些效果包括打击乐、颤音和按键单击。颤音扫描仪类似于B3,包括颤音和颤音合唱。通过向攻击和释放样本添加随机噪声来模拟键单击。在原始样本中可以听到一些键单击,但效果被夸大了。冲击在 VST 中模拟,因为它是在现实生活中:一个更高的振幅,打击乐衰减的声音通过第二或第三谐波添加到仪器。该插件还包括混响、制动、可变加速度、驱动/失真、平滑、可调立体声平移、键分和预设切换。

在 VST 内部,放大器和扬声器信号通过前置放大器/增益分期,无论 Leslie 旁路是否接合。该插件需要一个体面的CPU - 至少英特尔酷睿I3。这是因为在内部每个谐波都针对每个音符进行求和 -可以包括打击乐和按键单击之类的内容 - 这意味着每个音符需要超过 22 个声音。在内部,VST 的语音上限为 330 个,相当于 15 个复音音符。语音列表还需要额外的处理能力,因为(与钢琴或其他打击乐器不同),每个乐器不能无限期地保持,因此新的音符必须围绕此限制。

插件还根据预设执行相当数量的内部 eq 和声波整形。大量的时间花费在实验和寻找有用的绘制栏设置和eq组合。有32个内置预设建模后,经典的哈蒙德器官拉杆设置。您可以在 mp3 部分听到这些预设的音频演示。

插件的内存占用量约为 400 MB。所有插件的样本在加载时都加载到内存中,因为插件主要由循环示例组成,填充了短攻击和释放示例。这意味着此特定插件不依赖于快速硬盘驱动器,因为它不需要在执行期间缓冲示例。

该插件旨在与 VST AU 和 AAX 本机版本配合使用,并且未创建 Kontakt 版本。这是因为插件严重依赖内部编程-从Leslie模拟到样品折返的所有内容——这是不可能复制与Kontakt播放器的简单脚本语言。






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