Catanya is a polyphonic pattern based MIDI arpeggiator. It's a tool that allows you to play a sequence based on your chord. Catanya is not a standard arpeggiator which has preset modes like UP, DOWN, ALTERNATE, etc. Catanya was developed on a higher level, it's based upon patterns. You can create your own pattern or simply choose one of the hundreds of preset patterns. When you have chosen a pattern you play a chord or chord progression, set the output to your favorite synthesizer or sampler and you will get finished track. Features: • Multiple instances. • 9×32 note matrix. • More than 1100 presets (music phrases). • Supports recording final output into DAW for additional editing. • Presets browser with ability to choose genre, style, rhythm, instrument, tempo. • Usable with any VSTi plug-in or external HW synthesizer (via DAW’s MIDI out). • Unique AI Random functions for making unique velocity Groove. • Real-time velocity spread. • Easy to use. 卡尼亚亚是一种基于复音的MIDI琶音器。 它是一种工具,可以让您根据和弦播放序列。 卡塔尼亚不是一个标准的琶音器,它具有UP,DOWN,ALTERNATE等预设模式。Catanya是在更高层次上开发的,它基于模式。 您可以创建自己的模式,或者只需选择数百种预设模式之一。 当您选择一种模式时,您将发挥和弦或和弦进行,将输出设置为您最喜爱的合成器或采样器,您将获得完成的轨迹。 特征: •多个实例。 •9×32音符矩阵。 •超过1100个预设(音乐短语)。 •支持将最终输出记录到DAW中进行附加编辑。 •预设浏览器,能够选择流派,风格,节奏,乐器,节奏。 •可用于任何VSTi插件或外部硬件合成器(通过DAW的MIDI输出)。 •独特的AI随机功能,用于制作独特的速度槽。 •实时速度传播。 • 使用方便。 |