When we decided to sample a marimba, we knew we wanted to find a 5 octave concert model. There's something very special about the enormous bass notes of a full sized model. The Yamaha 6100 model, whic ......
Gu Zheng is one of the most beautiful, traditional Chinese instruments with a history of more than 2000 years. The modern Gu Zheng is a Chinese plucked zither equipped with 21 strings and movable brid ......
This Marimba has all notes (A1-C6) sampled in stereo. No less then 8 velocities/note makes this Marimba one of the largest sampled marimbas on the market today. Played using hard, medium and soft mal ......
Welcome to the third entry in our Plectra Series of deep-sampled plucked, picked, and strummed instruments from around the globe! The Kazakh Dombra is an ancient fretted lute with two strings and an i ......
p>Welcome to 8DIO Instant Guitar Series – a studio collection of high-end deep-sampled electric instruments. This library contains both Dobro Guitar Solo and Dobro Guitar Strummer – allowing you t ......
Gaya Geum (伽倻琴) : 又称朝鲜筝,是朝鲜族弹拨弦鸣乐器,朝鲜语称嘎呀高。 Gaya Geum is the Korean Traditional Harp of 1000 years 3 Patch Included: • Solo (36 articulation) • Ensemb ......
Frank Ricotti, a living legend, performs on a world class Marimba. Deep sampled with a number of beaters and playing styles to give you ultimate control and inspiration. Features: • one of ......
包括23个民族音源:ChineeWinds(笛子),ChineeKong V3(打击),ChineeErhu I(二胡1),ChineeErhu II(二胡2),ChineeNanxiao(南箫),ChineeGuzheng II(古筝),ChineePipa (琵琶),Matouqin(马头琴),C ......
Authentical instruments plus a large percussion pool for licks, phrases and loop-multisamples! Finally: a comprehensive plug-in about the subject of oriental sounds and rhythms. Extraordinary orienta ......
Our Kazoo library was created with our world-class kazoo ensemble, featuring some of the finest hand-crafted wax paper and plastic wind instruments that money can buy. The noble Kazoo is recognized as ......
The most deeply sampled sitar, tambura, tabla and baya library ever released! Includes multiple mic positions, all important playing techniques, FX patches, and MIDI grooves. We came up with the id ......
The Zither instrument we are presenting is a Concert Zither. The strings are arranged as follows: 5 fretted melody strings, placed above a guitar-like fretboard, then 14 unfretted “accompaniment” st ......
These are Strinq ensemble samples like you’ve never heard before. Distinctive, effective and with an ear for authenticity, Sonokinetic is proud to announce and present another qenuine first in sampli ......
世界一流的表演者石谷正代(Masayo Ishigure)发行的最深的古筝,低音古筝和三味琴音乐库! 2个麦克风位置,广泛的动态和RR,FX音色以及广泛的传统和现代发音。我们创建Koto Nation的愿望是希望看到传统的日本乐器得 ......
Garritan 世界乐器是来自世界各地的 350 多件富有表现力和异国情调的乐器的新集合。世界拥有如此美丽和丰富的音乐遗产,通过无数的乐器来表达。这里是一个乐器的世界,等待你探索和把你的音乐在新的和令人兴奋的方向 ......