Dualism is a complete toolkit for stereo work, featuring a comprehensive audio visualisation suite.Used as a final stage in mastering and monitor control, and at the top and bottom of every channel, D ......
Inear Display Bucephal v1.22 (Win / Mac OS X) | 9.6 MB Bucephal is a sound mangling plugin based on two delay lines designed to be mutated by four modulators freely assignable to the time and feedb ......
“这样他们就能听到你说的话” 创建画外音从未如此简单。 添加到购物车139美元 免费试用 相关新闻 亮点 调整视频中所说单词的音量可能非常耗时。在Audized中,我们认为可以有更简单的方法来编辑画外音。 ......
用大脑掌握 Elevate是有史以来最先进的主控插件。这一独特的多波段限制器,人耳均衡器和强大的音频最大化将增加您的混音的响度,同时保持或改善其动态感知。它使用智能的自适应技术,实时响应您的音乐;创建不仅最 ......
Voxformer is a multi-functional vocal channel strip AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional streaming, sound and music applications. Combining several professional quality processing modules, ......
Fusion Field is a smooth diffusion reverb that sits beautifully in a mix. A clean, unobtrusive sound with a natural falloff that floats and complements the source material perfectly. Designed to imita ......
Strip是必不可少的通道条:一个插件中捆绑了一个EQ,一个门和一个压缩器。 功能包括: 低通和高通滤波器。 四个峰值滤波器。 低架过滤器。 门具有可变的阈值,范围,起音和释放,以防止产生不必要的噪音。 ......
Elysia Museq 插件甚至还添加了一些额外的强大功能,比如集成了用于中侧处理的 M/S 矩阵,能够链接两个通道以更方便立体声处理操作,用于适应你的设置的专用输出电平控制。 授权包含两个插件:完整功能的 Mas ......
The Rocket Science consists of the following three plug-ins: Roger – You can apply human vowel filters to your audio with Roger. Use the vowel bar at the bottom to click through the vowels and cli ......
SPL Microplugs 是简单、直接而极其强大的瞬态塑形工具。 除了新的功能比如像干/湿混合,无延迟峰值限制器与增益衰减表,以及带撤销/重做,A/B/C/D 库和重设功能的插件工具栏,新的 Microplugs 还是采用了来自 Tr ......
Chor'X combines four types of Vintage Chorus effects, based on Bucket-Brigade Delay (BBD) emulation with a sophisticated True Stereo Dynamic Spatializer. With this duo, it becomes very easy to add spa ......
+10db is a channel strip plugin meticulously modeled after one of the industries most iconic hardware compressors. Unless you refuse to listen to any music after Beethoven, you most certainly have hea ......
Grit, oomph, fatness, raw, color, or just that certain something. Sometimes your sounds need a shovel of dirt. Faturator is standing ready to tear whatever you throw at it apart violently, and then ge ......
Rob Papen 的 RP-Verb 机架扩展带有混响、早期和后期反射、合奏、失真 & EQ 模块。 说到它原始、真实的混响,这依赖于它的算法。RP-Verb 是 Rob Papen 数十年混响研究的产物。 Rob 自己和 Jon Ayres 通过无 ......
Nautilus是一个效果器包,包含3个插件。 RiverRun粒子合成器 PeriScope32段均衡器/频谱仪 Deep Phase Nine移相器...