Garritan Personal Orchestra(GPO)通过推出物美价廉的虚拟管弦乐器音色包,使得交响乐的创作更加大众化。 GPO 5继续发扬了这个传统,拓展了大量乐器,提供新的技术、演奏场地、混响类型,以及乐器共鸣。音乐家可以使用它制作出更逼真的管弦乐。 GPO 5包括一个完整的交响乐队:弦乐组、铜管组、木管组、打击乐组以及键盘乐器。这次更新包含超过500个乐器。 GPO 5 还加入了 Sonic Morphing(声音渐变),一个革新技术,可以产生从及其平静到大声、最大声的无缝动态,凭借这种方式可以实现连续的音质变化。 MakeMusic的Garritan产品主管Gary Garritan表示: “一份新闻稿不能传达GPO 5的优秀,原始的个人乐团变革了虚拟管弦乐,成为了产业标准。新的GPO 5是一个巨大的飞跃,并且也将继续这次变革。” 整个管弦音色包是一个新的整合,包括先进的ARIA播放器和虚拟乐器插件乐谱程序(就像Finale),数字音频工作站,音序器,或作为一个独立播放器 You can produce breathtaking orchestral music Garritan Personal Orchestra democratized the creation of orchestral music by making a comprehensive collection of virtual orchestral instruments both accessible and affordable. GPO 5 continues in this tradition by vastly expanding the number of included instruments and offering new techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances. The result empowers you to produce truly inspiring symphonic sounds with a much higher level of realism. Create ensembles of varying sizes with individual instruments Enjoy the highest quality collection of orchestral instruments ever sampled. All of the major instruments of the orchestra are included: strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, and keyboards. Build your orchestra one instrument at a time, exactly as you wish. Create solos, duos, trios, quartets, chamber groups, ensembles, sections or a full symphony orchestra. Play divisi and separate lines for each instrument; be free from fixed-size section samples. Experience each instrument’s own individual character and nuance; they are individually expressive and can interact with each other just like genuine players. Select from a collection of pre-configured instrumental combinations for your convenience. Choose from over 500 Instrument Patches |