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情感纹理管弦乐 Heavyocity Novo Pack 01 Intimate Textures KONTAKT

2020-4-14 08:19| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 471| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

大小:8.7 GB

Emotional. Textural. Orchestral.
Combining the lush and textural beauty of violin, viola, and cello chamber string ensembles with Heavyocity’s signature hybrid sound design proficiency, Intimate Textures delivers a truly inspirational palette of cinematic VST orchestral instrument textures. Featuring creative extended techniques like vibrato waves and octave pulses, plus more traditional extended articulations like sul tasto and sul ponticello, Intimate Textures empowers composers to create unique orchestral landscapes in an entirely new way.

Add in the award-winning NOVO engine, and the first NOVO Pack delivers an unparalleled package -- stunning orchestral VST source material, advanced processing capabilities, and a powerfully intuitive workflow.

Extended Techniques
Recorded at the famous Reservoir Studios in NYC, Heavyocity's Intimate Textures features world-class players, performing in three and four person violin, viola, and cello ensembles. These advanced technique performances deliver a clean and lyrical sound, providing rich movement and texture with each note performed - perfect for scoring to film, games, and television. Composers will find Heavyocity's Intimate Textures to almost-immediately become an integral part of their template, with its ability to create production-ready composition elements quickly and easily. Creatively, the VST orchestral instruments available within Intimate Textures offer a deep well of inspiration - featuring a 14.2 GB (uncompressed) library, including over 5,000 samples and 192 snapshots.
Award-Winning Engine
Heavyocity has spent nearly a decade building virtual instrument engines that inspire and enable creativity for the modern composer. And to that end, the award-winning NOVO engine is our greatest achievement so far. It starts with the MACRO CONTROL, the power to modulate and automate multiple parameters across each channel - including volume, pan, EQ, envelope, and various effects - MACRO is at the front and center of Intimate Textures' lush Texture Designer. And if you want to dive in deeper, Intimate Textures also includes NOVO's CYCLE feature - a new frontier for sound manipulation in a KONTAKT-based virtual instrument. Quickly create rhythmic pulses, swells, and granular-style pads with this cutting-edge dynamic playback engine. Explore an infinite world of sound design with Heavyocity's new NOVO Pack, Intimate Textures.

14.2 GB uncompressed (9.46 GB on Disk with NI lossless compression)
Available as direct download only
5,265 Samples
192 Snapshot Presets
7 NKIs
43 unique articulations across three sections:
Violins – 14 Articulations: Sul Pont, Sul Tasto, Scrapes, Sul Pont Spiccato, Sul Pont Grace (minor), Sul Pont Grace (major), Vibrato Pulses, Butterfly Tremolo, Octave Pulses, Vibrato Waves, Droplets, Wavers, Shudders, Overtones
Violas – 15 Articulations: Sul Pont, Sul Tasto, Scrapes, Sul Pont Tremolo, Sul Pont Spiccato, Sul Pont Grace (minor), Sul Pont Grace (major), Vibrato Pulses, Butterfly Tremolo, Octave Pulses, Vibrato Waves, Droplets, Wavers, Shudders, Overtones
Celli – 14 Articulations: Sul Pont, Sul Tasto, Scrapes, Sul Pont Tremolo, Sul Pont Spiccato, Sul Pont Grace (minor), Vibrato Pulse, Butterfly Tremolo, Octave Pulses, Vibrato Waves, Droplets, Wavers, Shudders, Overtones
Intuitive Sample Browser
CYCLE page for advanced granular & rhythmic playback
MACRO knob for dynamic multi-parameter control

结合小提琴, 中提琴和大提琴室弦乐合奏与重量级的签名混合声音设计能力, 亲密纹理提供了一个真正鼓舞人心的调色板的电影 VST 管弦乐器纹理。具有创造性的扩展技术, 如颤波和八度脉冲, 加上更多的传统扩展的发音, 如苏塔托和苏尔·庞蒂塞洛, 亲密的纹理使作曲家能够创造独特的管弦乐景观在一个全新的方式。

加入屡获殊荣的 NOVO 引擎, 第一台 NOVO Pack 提供了无与伦比的包--令人惊叹的管弦乐 VST 源材料、先进的处理功能和强大直观的工作流程。

在纽约著名的水库工作室录制, 在于世界级的世界级球员, 表演的是三人和四人小提琴、中提琴和大提琴合奏。这些先进的技术表演提供了干净和抒情的声音, 提供了丰富的运动和纹理与每一个音符执行-完美的得分电影, 游戏和电视。作曲家们会发现, 重城的亲密纹理几乎立即成为其模板的一个组成部分, 它能够快速、轻松地创建可用于生产的组合元素。在亲密纹理中提供的 VST 管弦乐器提供了深刻的灵感-具有 14.2 GB (未压缩) 库, 包括超过 5, 000个样本和192个快照。

沉重的速度已经花了将近十年的时间来构建虚拟仪器引擎, 激发和实现现代作曲家的创造力。为此, 屡获殊荣的 NOVO 引擎是我们迄今取得的最大成就。它从 MAC ro 控制开始, 在每个通道中调节和自动化多个参数的能力--包括音量、平移、情商、信封和各种效果--MADRO 是亲密纹理的郁郁葱葱的纹理设计师的前沿和中心。如果你想深入了解, 亲密纹理还包括 NOVO 的 CYCLE 功能--在基于 kontakt 的虚拟仪器中进行声音操作的新领域。利用这种尖端的动态回放引擎, 快速创建有节奏的脉冲、膨胀和颗粒式垫。探索一个无限的世界的声音设计与重量级的新 NOVO 包, 亲密的纹理。

14.2 GB 未压缩 (ni 无损压缩磁盘上的 9.46 GB)
5, 265个样品
7个 Nki
小提琴–14关节: 苏邦, 南塔索, 斯卡恩, 苏邦斯斯坎卡托, 苏邦格雷斯 (未成年人), 苏邦格雷斯 (少校), 威布拉托脉冲, 蝴蝶特雷莫洛, 八度脉冲, 维布拉托波, 液滴, Wavers, Shudders, 言外之意
小提琴–15关节: 苏邦, 苏尔塔托, 刮草, 南桥特雷莫洛, 苏邦斯皮卡托, 苏邦格雷斯 (未成年人), 苏邦格雷斯 (少校), 维布拉托脉冲, 蝴蝶特雷莫洛, 八度脉冲, 威布拉托波, 水滴, 拥抱, 阴影, 言外之意, 言外之意
Celle–14关节: Sul Pont, Sul Tasto, Sc润滑油 tasto, Sul 私生子特, Sul 私生子 Spiccato, Sul 私生子格蕾丝 (未成年人), Vibrato Pulse, 蝴蝶 Tremolo, 八度脉冲, Vibrato 波, 水滴, 拥抱, 色调
用于高级颗粒和节奏回放的 CYCLE 页面
用于动态多参数控制的 MACRO 旋钮






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