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暗黑管弦乐库 8Dio Symphonic Shadows KONTAKT

2020-11-5 16:35| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 755| 评论: 0

大小:4.22 GB

交响乐阴影是一个出生在夜幕降临阴影中的图书馆。一个黑暗的管弦乐库,包含超过 7,000 个独特的啤酒效果样本。

图书馆有三个不同的管弦乐部分。首先,一个40件弦乐团(12,10,8,6,4)的火热色调,然后一个孤立的10件低弦部分与6个大提琴和4低音。接下来,一个11件黄铜合奏的刺耳的声音,四个喇叭,两个喇叭,三个特龙博内斯和两个巴斯特龙博内斯。最后, 但绝不是至少, 一个声波飓风在木风合奏包含一个皮科洛长笛, 一个阿尔托长笛, 和两个长笛。此外,两个单簧管和两个低音。

交响乐阴影遵循我们与 CAGE(音乐会艺术组效果)库建立的啤酒传统。两者可以并排巡航。然而,阴影不仅仅是管弦乐的样本。它平衡了传统采样和音乐声音设计之间的暮色地带。所有内容都是围绕我们的自定义用户界面设计的,允许快速、直观和强大的声音设计。

交响乐阴影最初由 8Dio 制作人 Olaijde Paris (尖叫系列) 设计和录制,后来由 8Dio 团队和奥斯卡奖、TEC 和 G.A.N.G 获奖作曲家 Troels Folmann 制作成一个单一的库。

大多数库都配有三个麦克风位置:房间、Spot 1 和 Spot 2,全部设计用于可玩性和易用性。所有的发音和播放风格都可以从我们的内置浏览器系统轻松访问,只需单击一下即可。

我们还包括了一个新的双层FX系统,其中第一个是我们的前脸系统,它使您能够控制恍然大悟门,过滤器,音高,延迟,压缩和我们新的纹理卷积延迟。新的纹理卷积允许您采取几十个进一步的冲动,并使用它们作为延迟组件。我们还包括了新的混沌 FX 引擎,它使您能够控制 EQ、相位、失真、立体声延迟和额外的脉冲混响。



交响乐阴影包含两个并行FX系统。第一个是我们新的前脸FX,它允许您控制从前面板最基本的效果(例如动力学,过滤器,音高,延迟,破碎机和我们的新效果,纹理延迟)。您也可以更深入地使用我们新的混沌 FX 系统,该系统包括基于步长的滤波、EQ、位粉碎机、失真、双立体声延迟和在我们的自定义纹理卷积延迟的基础上的附加卷积系统。
选集不是样本库。这是一个声明。情感和意图的陈述。关于它的所有东西都是为心脏而设计的。从皮阿尼西莫与迪维西大提琴的温柔,脆弱的声音,到高耸的合奏小提琴的乐曲。从独奏小提琴的感伤颤音到我们独奏大提琴令人难以忘怀的哭声;我们动态弧的情感笔触, 到斯皮卡托的羽毛笔触。从马卡托斯的戏剧性意图到披萨的温暖。从颤音, 颤音, 和索迪诺, 给你寒意。关于选集的一切都是情感。不仅在声音,但在DNA的设计深处的代码。


Symphonic Shadows overview
Symphonic Shadows is a library born in the shadows of nightfall. A dark orchestral library containing over 7,000 unique aleatoric effect samples.

The library comes with three distinct orchestral sections. First, the fiery tones of a 40-piece String Orchestra (12, 10, 8, 6, 4), and then an isolated 10-Piece Low String Section with six Cellos and 4 Basses. Next, the piercing sound of an 11-piece Brass Ensemble with four Horns, two Trumpets, three Trombones and two Bass Trombones. Last, but by no means least, a sonic hurricane in the woodwind ensemble containing one piccolo flute, one alto flute, and two flutes. As well, two clarinets and two bassoons.

Symphonic Shadows follows the aleatoric tradition we established with our CAGE (Concert Aleatoric Group Effects) library. The two can cruise side by side. However, Shadows is more than just orchestral samples. It balances the twilight zone between conventional sampling and musical sound design. All the content was designed around our custom user-interface—allowing for fast, intuitive and powerful sound design.

Symphonic Shadows was initially designed and recorded by 8Dio producer, Olaijde Paris (Scream Series) and later refined into one single library by the 8Dio team and Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award-winning composer, Troels Folmann.

The majority of the library comes with three microphone positions: Room, Spot 1 and Spot 2, all designed for playability and ease-of-use. All articulations and playing styles are easily accessible from our built-in browser system and just a single click away.

We’ve also included a new dual-layered FX system, the first of which is our front-face system, which gives you control over a trance gate, filters, pitch, delay, compression and our new textural convolution delay. The new textural convolution allows you to take dozens of further impulses and use them as delay components. We have also included our new Chaos FX engine, which gives you control over things such as EQ, phasing, distortion, stereo delay and an additional impulse reverb.

Strings, Brass and Woodwinds
Symphonic Shadows contains over 7,100 aleatoric FX samples spread out over string, brass and woodwind ensembles. The effects have a wild, gritty and organic quality and are designed to sit well with any orchestral libraries of your choice. The patch banks come in many different descriptive categories such as: agitated, bends, bursts, clusters, dystopic, erratic, evolving, fierce, frantic, fury, kinetic, mayhem, panic, pulse, savage, scatter and shocked, to name a few.

Symphonic Shadows comes with a custom designed built-in browser. The browser offers you access to any articulation with a single click. All string, brass, and woodwind patches in this collection are created this way, with the idea of giving you immediate access to anything you want with a single mouse click. We want to shorten the distance between your thought and your creation.

New Front-Faced FX and Chaos FX
Symphonic Shadows contains two parallel FX systems. The first one is our new front-faced FX, which allows you to control the most fundamental effects from the front panel (e.g. dynamics, filters, pitch, delay, crusher and our new effect, textural delay). You can also go deeper with our new Chaos FX system, which includes step-based filtering, EQ, bit-crusher, distortion, dual stereo-delay and an additional convolution system on top of our custom textural convolution delays.
Three Ensembles in One Library
Anthology is not a sample library. It is a statement. A statement of emotion and intention. Everything about it is designed for the heart. From the gentle, fragile sounds of pianissimo with divisi cellos, to the soaring legato of ensemble violins. From the sentimental vibrato of the solo violin to the hauntingly loving cries of our solo cello; the emotional strokes of our dynamic arcs, to the feathery strokes of spiccato. From the dramatic intention in the marcatos to the warmth of pizzicatos. And from the tremolo, trills, and sordino, to give you chills. Everything about Anthology is emotion. Not only in sound, but in the DNA of the design deep in the code.

Textural Convolution Delay
Textural convolution delay is a new way of using convolution to create textural delays. The idea is to use non-conventional convolution impulses to augment the existing sound. So when the instrument delays you will not just get an average delay of the instrument, but also get the delay and texture of the impulse. This concept is called textural convolution.






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