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灵魂管弦接触 8dio Soul Series: Christopher Young Orchestral Touch KONTAKT

2020-11-8 13:38| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 610| 评论: 0

大小:5.52 GB

广受赞誉的艺术家。 我们很荣幸和兴奋的旅程开始与著名的作曲家,克里斯托弗杨(地狱升起者,蜘蛛侠3,罪人,剑鱼,幽灵骑士,拉姆日记等)。

克里斯托弗·杨有一种优美独特的接近乐谱的方式——既与管弦乐队和表演者合作,也通过将音乐声音设计和纹理融入他的音乐。 在过去的18个月里,我们与克里斯托弗·杨合作,策划了超过35年的录音和声波实验。 最终结果是有机纹理和亲等级评分工具的令人难以置信的集合。

8Dio 灵魂系列:克里斯托弗·杨 – 管弦乐触摸是管弦乐效果的一大集合 - 由克里斯托弗·杨专门创作和设计。 我们您也可以购买克里斯托弗年轻收藏,这是一个捆绑包含管弦乐触摸和文字世界。

8Dio 为克里斯托弗·杨图书馆设计了一个新的高级用户界面,提供了丰富的新功能。 也许最突出的是我们新的红外引擎(脉冲响应引擎)。 红外引擎使您可以将库中的任何样本转换为卷积脉冲。 然后,可以将脉冲叠加到库中任何其他样本上。 此外,用户界面还包括即时堆栈、反向、拉伸、非设置和混沌功能。该库也是第一个功能我们新的混沌4.0系统,它允许您创建任何自己选择的FX链。
highly acclaimed artists.  We are privileged and excited to begin the journey with acclaimed composer, Christopher Young (Hellraiser, Spider-Man 3, Sinister, Swordfish, Ghost Rider, The Rum Diary etc).

Christopher Young has a beautifully unique way of approaching scores – both by working with orchestras and performers, but also by weaving musical sound design and textures into his music.  We’ve worked with Christopher Young over the last 18 months – curating over 35 years of recordings and sonic experiments.  The end result is an incredible collection of organic textures and pro-grade scoring tools.

8Dio Soul Series: Christopher Young – Orchestral Touch is a large collection of orchestral effects – specifically composed and designed by Christopher Young.  We you can also purchase the Christopher Young Collection, which is a bundle containing both Orchestral Touch and Textural Worlds.

8Dio designed a new, advanced user-interface for the Christopher Young libraries – offering a wealth of novel features.  Perhaps the most prominent is our new IR-engine (impulse response engine).  The IR-engine offers you the ability to make any sample in the library into a convolution impulse.  The impulse can then be superimposed on any other sample in the library.  In addition, user-interface also includes instant stack, reverse, stretch, off-set and chaos functions. The library is also first to feature our new Chaos 4.0 system, which allows you to create any FX chains of your own choice.





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