如果威尼斯是小提琴,运河将是它的弦,贡多拉将是它的演奏者,大海的卢蒂耶。 关于威尼斯的一切就像一个古老的童话故事,或者,正如GerolamoBardi在四个多世纪前在他的《关于威尼斯的显著事物》中所观察到的;一个不可能的,一个宏伟的奇迹,站在如此远的规范,它甚至不能被视为人类的创造,而是必须坚定不移地放置在神的境界。 与布雷西亚和克雷莫纳一起,威尼斯也催生了一些最著名的小提琴大师,为小提琴工艺和音响的完美标杆树立了标杆。考虑到这一点,我们决定从威尼斯及其周边地区的克雷马市品尝乐团,旨在实现现代的声音,同时保持这些相同的传统和对完美的渴望。 当FluffyAudio开始的时候,我们只能梦想品尝一个管弦乐队。当时,这个想法似乎难以想象,一些梦想,至少像在海上建造一座城市一样艰难和不可能。那天已经到来,尽管有一些怀疑,比我们想象的要快。 马特奥·马尔扎罗、格劳科·贝尔塔格宁、莱昂纳多·萨佩雷、亚历山德罗·潘多尔菲和米歇尔·毛卢奇只是我们有幸与一批伟大的音乐家。管弦乐队是他们的家庭,威尼斯是他们的戏剧。他们学会了一起呼吸,与音乐一起,他们构成了人类曾经设想和实现的最不可思议的生物之一的灵魂、血肉之躯:管弦乐队。 众所周知,威尼斯建在不稳定的地面上。这些基础是它的诅咒,慢慢地被海水侵蚀。 然而,与此同时,这就是给威尼斯带来荣耀和腐朽的辉煌;允许海洋在威尼斯的伟大乐谱中发挥作用。 If Venice were a violin, the canals would be its strings, gondolas would be its player and the sea its luthier. Everything about Venice resembles an age-old fairy tale, or, as observed by Gerolamo Bardi, more than four centuries ago in his “About the Notable Things of Venice”; an impossible-possibility, a grandiose wonder, standing so far from the norm that it even can’t be considered a human creation but instead has to be placed unswervingly in the realm of God. Along with Brescia and Cremona, Venice has given rise to some of the most renowned master luthiers, setting the benchmark for perfection in violin craftsmanship and sound. With this in mind, we decided to sample an Orchestra from Venice and its surrounding areas in the city of Crema, aiming to achieve a modern sound whilst maintaining these same traditions and aspirations for perfection. It is known that Venice was built on unstable ground. These foundations are its curse, slowly being eroded by the sea. Violin I Violin II Viola Cello Doublebasses Complete String Orchestra (8, 6, 5, 5, 3) 4 Stereo Mic Positions 114000+ Samples 55 GB installed (compressed in NCW format) 24 bit / 48 kHz stereo Easy to use GUI 3 True Legato Techniques: Portamento, Legato and Bow-Change Legato Polyphonic Legato Ensembles, Individual Patches and Low Memory Patches Morph Controls for custom creation of evolving sustained patches No need to manually download the library thanks to Pulse software (manual links available anyway) Sleepless nights of editing and scripting |