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电影管弦乐 Spitfire Audio Albion IV Uist KONTAKT

2020-8-12 08:37| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 505| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

Spitfire Audio Albion IV Uist KONTAKT | 56 Gb

它为你提供了从一个盒子里制作现代电影音乐所需的一切。Albion IV是一种大型的组合,有800多个独特的、非凡的、任意的、“进步的”的表达。这是由埃德娜合成引擎提供的近200个扭曲的管弦混合动力的史诗系列。
乌斯特在阿尔比翁的范围内是真实的,它被记录在大型的史诗级的电影管弦乐队中;弦乐高音,低音弦,高音笛,低音笛,低音铜管和高音铜管,都在演奏这些技艺娴熟的“进步”技巧。所有的东西都安排在各部分之间进行连锁。在空气工作室的大厅里,通过最好的老式阀门和带带麦克风记录这些组合,Albion IV被设计成与Albion系列的其他部分无缝集成,同时也可以在大厅中记录到BML和确定的范围。
喷火音频Albion IV Uist KONTAKT
Part IV of the widescreen range of composer's tools that give you everything you need to make modern film music out of one box. Albion IV presents large ensembles playing over 800 unique and extraordinary atonal, aleatoric and "progressive" articulations. Presented alongside an epic collection of nearly 200 warped orchestral hybrids powered by the eDNA synth engine.
UIST plays true to the Albion range in that it is recorded in large epic cinematic orchestral ensembles; Strings High, Strings Low, Winds High, Winds Low, Brass High and Brass Low all playing these expertly crafted "progressive" techniques. With everything arranged to interlock between sections. As these ensembles are recorded via the finest vintage valve and ribbon mics to tape in the hall at Air Studios, Albion IV is designed to integrate seamlessly with both the rest of the Albion range as well as the BML and Definitive ranges also recorded in the hall. 
Matching the spirit of volumes 1 though 3 we have then taken these unique recordings and have warped them into a broad selection of trailblazing hybrid sounds. These vary from organic orchestras from another place and age to screaming synths and widescreen pads. There is only one way we could present this "Stephenson's Steam Band IV" section of UIST and that as a cartridge for our amazing eDNA engine. Which will enable to morph your listener's world from that of orchestral order to utterly warped disorder!
A band of over 60 of the finest orchestral session musicians playing the finest, rarest instruments, recorded at Air Studios - Lyndhurst Hall, London, through vintage, valve, and ribbon mics to 2" tape. We do this not for a 'vintage' sound but to give you the ultimate amount of 'richness' missing in so many sample libraries. We are the only tape based orchestral library in the world. This is all you need to write epic sounding, widescreen cinematic orchestral music straight out of the box. Recorded in large epic cinematic orchestral ensembles; Strings High, Strings Low, Winds High, Winds Low, Brass High and Brass Low. We have captured a staggering 800 unique "progressive" articulations with everything arranged to interlock between sections.






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