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单簧管尊爵 SampleModeling SWAM The Clarinets v2.5.3 64bit CE-V.R PC

2020-8-12 08:38| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 608| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

所有的铜管样品模拟仪器都是由Native Instruments公司生产的Kontakt™平台开发的。小号和长号以及法国号角和图巴利用由乔治·托马西尼(Giorgio Tommasini)开发的谐波对准技术,用于实时建立发声。
Sax Brothers采用了另一种方法,即Stefano Lucato构思的同步波触发。由于某些技术限制,包括抖动和固定插值,后一种技术不太适用于Kontakt引擎。这就是为什么Stefano与Lele Parravicini和Luigi Felici合作,选择开发一个基于他的技术规格的独立平台。

All Samplemodeling Virtual Instruments of the Brass family have been developed on the Kontakt™ platform produced by Native Instruments. The Trumpet and Trombone, as well as the French Horn and Tuba, exploit the Harmonic Alignment Technology, developed by Giorgio Tommasini, for real time building of articulations.
The Sax Brothers use an alternative approach, the Synchronous Wave Triggering conceived by Stefano Lucato. This latter technique is less suited to the Kontakt engine, due to some technical limitations, including jitter and fixed interpolation. That's why Stefano, working with Lele Parravicini and Luigi Felici, elected to develop an independent platform, built on the specifications of his technology.
Development of the SWAM engine (Synchronous Wavelength Acoustic Modeling) required about two years of hard work. But it was worth the effort. While sample-based, it exploits advanced technical solutions derived from physical modeling. Thus, a new line of products, based on the SWAM engine, was added to the "classic" Samplemodeling Instruments. This resulted in speeding up the development of new instruments, as requested by all our customers wishing to have at hand an entire Samplemodeling orchestra.








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