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柏林铜管 Orchestral Tools Berlin Brass v1.1 KONTAKT

2020-8-3 08:20| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 1317| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

Orchestral Tools Berlin Brass v1.1 KONTAKT | 184.95 Gb

Since its first release, the Berlin Series has become the premium standard for major composers around the world. Composers who believe in technology, an extraordinary room, the finest musicians and a variety of many useful articulations that keep the Collections versatile and up to date for many years to come. The long awaited final Main Collection within the renowned Berlin Series is on the way: Berlin Brass.

With Berlin Brass we deliver the first class Brass Collection that completes your Berlin Orchestra. Recorded at the famous Teldex Scoring Stage, this Collection combines definition with true power. Berlin Brass follows a whole new approach, which was developed over years of experimentation to achieve the next level of flexibility and realism for sophisticated brass arrangements. With CAPSULE, the most flexible articulation management system on the market, all Berlin Series instruments form a unity of sound for premium ambitions and a customizable workflow that will unleash all the potential that lies in the original premium sample recordings.

* Build your own Sections and create realistic voicings with:

- 4 individual Horns

- 3 individual Trumpets

- 2 individual Trombones + 1 Bass Trombone

- 1 Tuba

* Horn Ensemble a4

* Trumpet Ensemble a3

* Trombone Ensemble a3

* Adaptive Legato (Slurred Legato, Retongued Legato, Playable Runs)

* 3 different types of Attacks on Sustains (Soft, Immediate, Accented)

* Glissando Legato for Trombones

* Recorded at the Teldex Scoring Stage

* Based on CAPSULE, the most powerful articulation management system for Kontakt

* Works with the free Kontakt Player and Kontakt 5.5.1 full


- 320 GB of samples (185 GB compressed)

- 24Bit / 48KHz Patches

管弦乐工具柏林黄铜 v1.1 开播 |184.95 Gb

自发布以来第一次,柏林系列已经成为保费标准为世界各地的主要作曲家。相信技术、 非同寻常的房间、 最超卓的音乐家和各种各样的多才多艺和多年来的最新收藏的许多有用关节的作曲家。著名的柏林系列内久最后主要收藏在路上︰ 柏林黄铜。

与柏林黄铜我们交付第一节课完成你柏林乐团的黄铜集合。此集合记录在著名的 Teldex 评分阶段,结合定义与真正的力量。柏林黄铜遵循一种全新的方式,经过多年的试验,以实现灵活性和复杂的黄铜安排现实主义的下一级。胶囊,最灵活的铰接管理系统在市场上,所有柏林系列仪器都形成统一的声音为溢价野心和一个可自定义的工作流,将释放位于原始的溢价样品录音的所有潜力。

* 生成您自己的节,然后创建与现实语音成为︰

-4 个人角

-3 个别喇叭

-2 个人伸缩喇叭 + 1 低音长号

-1 低音号

* 喇叭合奏 a4

* 小号合奏 a3

* 长号合奏 a3

* 自适应 Legato (含糊不清 Legato、 Retongued Legato,游戏运行)

* 3 种不同类型的攻击材 (软、 立即、 Accented)

* 滑奏 Legato 为伸缩喇叭的

* 记录在 Teldex 评分阶段

* 基于胶囊,开播最强大铰接管理系统

* 免费的开播球员与开播 5.5.1 完整作品


-320 GB 的样品 (185 GB 压缩)

-24 位/48 KHz 的修补程序






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