When developing the library we tried to avoid over-processing the samples by using compression and normalization. Therefore we needed a special scripting device which could blend all the samples transitions in a very smooth and realistic way. We developed an external tool which analyzes the samples and imports this data into Kontakt called the Dynamic Control Engine. Thanks to the DCE, Kontakt knows the volumes of the samples currently playing in the instrument and matches the volume of the incoming samples with the previous ones. In the end the DCE works flawlessly “under the radar” leaving the user free to enjoy playing and building his expressive legato phrases.
Furthermore, as you can see from the video below, the instrument features dynamic articulations like accented and crescendo attacks and glissando/legato articulations, dynamically controlled by the Pitch Wheel. This allows to craft beautiful musical phrases with a smooth beginning and a faded ending or abrupt accented notes with slurred passages along the way. The versatility of the DCE engine handles smoothly all these techniques.
6862 samples
6.5 GB ncw compressed sample pool (11 GB original sample size)
3 mic positions
3.5 octaves note range
Vibrato, non-vibrato + synthesized vibrato
Staccato, Spiccato, Pizzicato articulations with 4 Round Robins
DCE Engine to blend the dynamics
4 dynamic layers for sustained articulations
Pitch-Wheel controlled sub articulations like crescendo, accented attack
Two true-legato articulations: fingered legato and glissando
Humanized tuning
Automatic legato speed based on the analysis of your performance
17 Impulse Reverbs
Animated GUI with many configurable parameters
Ready-to-play presets