从我们的电影铜制旗舰FORZO:现代黄铜,核心元素的集合,推断FORZO精华。在著名的加州天行者音响上录制,FORZO Essentials 捕捉了全套 FORZO 乐器的所有管弦乐铜器力量:爆炸性的传统黄铜、动态混合铜管和鼓舞人心的黄铜循环,但为所有预算和经验水平的作曲家设置了更精简的内容。 introducing FORZO Essentials, a collection of core elements from our cinematic brass flagship, FORZO: Modern Brass. Recorded at the renowned Skywalker Sound in California, FORZO Essentials captures all of the orchestral brass power of the full FORZO instrument: explosive Traditional Brass, dynamic Hybrid Brass, and inspiring Brass Loops, but with a more-streamlined content set for composers of all budgets and levels of experience. |