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工作室深度弦乐 8Dio Intimate Studio Strings v1.3 KONTAKT

2020-7-16 11:25| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 1042| 评论: 0

大小:42 GB

亲密工作室字符串"系列由 500 多个小时的会议组成,标志着 8Dio 致力于不仅在技术方面,而且在先进技术上突破界限,以实现现代、可播放和完全可定制的演播室声音。

从超过109,000个音频文件和113GB的未压缩样品8Dio亲密工作室字符串站在一个精炼和抛光的60,000文件压缩到硬盘友好的45 GB。手工策划,只有最音乐,鼓舞人心和必要的文件已经到这个阶段。

利用新的和真正独特的隔离技术,我们能够捕获多个截面大小,确保所有仪表无缝混合,让您能够混合、匹配、配对和组合。这包括2个独立的独奏双低音, 2 双低音 (混合), 独奏大提琴, 2 大提琴, 3 大提琴 (混合), 独奏维奥拉, 2 维奥拉斯 (混合), 独奏小提琴, 2 小提琴 A, 2 小提琴 B, 3 小提琴 A (混合), 3 小提琴 B (混合), 4 小提琴 (混合), 5 小提琴 (混合).总共允许您 256 个字符串大小组合。


8Dio 亲密工作室字符串让您直接访问几十种高级和独特的播放风格和发音,全主机节奏同步(仅限相关发音),控制截面大小的能力,控制每个部分的音量,路由,平移,甚至距离/透视在立体声领域的能力。全部在一个流线型和精致的包装中。工作室亲密字符串是一个新的旅程的开始,我们希望你们都加入我们。

1.3 更新:有什么新功能?
我们一直在倾听社区意见,现在已经根据您的反馈更新了我们广受好评的"亲密工作室字符串",并改进了内部映射和其他一般改进。我们还针对 Kontakt 5.8 优化了整个库,从而支持高级功能和卓越的性能。


此更新最关键的组件可能是扩展的分明修补程序。现在,您可以使用我们的"Poly-Time"发音以适合您构图的速度播放弓形弧线,以及流畅、轻松地以 legato 方式播放所有弓形和性能驱动播放风格,从而允许流畅的旋律线条。我们还实现了我们最新的"Chordal"legato模式,该模式具有真正的复调乐曲,具有准确的采样间隔,使您能够在单个轨道内演奏多个和声。

- 113GB 压缩到 45GB 内容
- 真正的深采样工作室字符串
- 高级截面控制。最多 256 个字符串大小组合
- 深采样小提琴(1,2a,2b,3a,3b,4和5)
- 深采样维奥拉(s)、大提琴(s)和低音(es)(1、2 或 3)
- 每个仪器和部分的全混合器
- 带动态的高级分层莱加托斯
- 奥斯廷纳托测量波塔托,特雷莫洛和莱加托 w/ 动态
- 从近场到整个演播室之间进行流畅的麦克风控制
- 需要康塔克特 5.8(或更晚)的完整零售版本

- 完整的零售版本的Kontakt 5.8+要求 / 与免费的Kontakt播放器不兼容
- 作为主机或独立应用程序运行,VST 或音频单元插件,专业工具下的 AAX
- 最低:英特尔酷睿 i5 或等效 CPU。强烈建议使用 8 GB 或更多 RAM。对于 TMPro 修补程序,强烈建议使用 i7 或等效修补程序。
- 亲密的工作室字符串需要 45GB 的硬盘空间
- 强烈建议使用 8 GB 或更多 RAM
- 样品分辨率:48Khz / 24 位立体声 .wav,.ncw 格式
- 格式:康塔克特

Comprising of over 500 hours of sessions the Intimate Studio Strings series marks 8Dio's commitment to pushing boundaries not only in technologies but also in advanced techniques to achieve a modern, playable and fully customizable studio sound.

Stemming from over 109,000 audio files and 113 GB of uncompressed samples 8Dio Intimate Studio Strings stands at a refined and polished 60,000 files compressed to a hard drive friendly 45 GB. Hand-curated, only the most musical, inspiring and necessary files have made it to this stage.

Utilizing new and truly unique isolation technologies we were able to capture multiple section sizes ensuring all instrumentation seamlessly blends, allowing you the ability to mix, match, pair and combine. This includes 2 independent Solo Double Basses, 2 Double Basses (Mixed), Solo Cello, 2 Celli, 3 Celli (Mixed), Solo Viola, 2 Violas, 3 Violas (Mixed), Solo Violin, 2 Violins A, 2 Violins B, 3 Violins A (Mixed), 3 Violins B (Mixed), 4 Violins (Mixed), 5 Violins (Mixed).In total allowing you 256 string size combinations.

Each instrument also has its own fully capable mixer with functions such as Solo, Mute, Output Routing, Volume and Panning all featured alongside our more advanced offerings, affording you the luxury to change the number of players (either from true recordings or mixed/overdubs) as well as the new Distance Control which seamlessly blends between an upfront, direct and dry signal to a wider and more spacious signal.

8Dio Intimate Studio Strings gives you direct access to dozens of advanced and unique playing styles and articulations, full host tempo sync (relevant articulations only), the ability to control your section size, the ability to control each section's volume, routing, panning, and even distance/perspective in the stereo field. All in one streamlined and refined package. Studio Intimate Strings is the start of a new journey and one we hope you all join us on.

1.3 Update: Whats's New?
We have been listening to the community and have now updated our critically acclaimed Intimate Studio Strings based on your feedback, with a variety of enhancements to the internal mapping along with other general improvements. We have also optimized the entire library for Kontakt 5.8, allowing for advanced features and superior performance.

Intimate Studio Strings now also features our latest Chaos Effects 4.0, allowing you to customize the signal path and post-processing of your ensemble with over 140 impulse responses, stereo delays, EQ and much more.

Perhaps the most crucial components to this update are the extended articulation patches. You can now use our "Poly-Time" articulations to playback Bowed Arcs at a speed that suits your composition, as well as fluently and effortlessly play all the Bowed and Performance driven playing styles in a legato fashion, allowing for flowing melodic lines. We have also implemented our latest "Chordal" legato mode, which features a true polyphonic legato with accurately sampled intervals, enabling you to play multiple harmonies within a single track.

- 113GB compressed to 45GB of content
- True Deep-Sampled Studio Strings
- Advanced Section Control. Up to 256 String Size Combinations
- Deep-Sampled Violin (s) (1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4 and 5)
- Deep-Sampled Viola (s), Cello (s) and Bass (es) (1, 2 or 3)
- Full Mixer for each instrument and section
- Advanced Layered Legatos w/ dynamics
- Ostinato Measured Portato, Tremolo and Legato w/ dynamics
- Fluent microphone control between near-field to entire studio
- Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.8 (or later) Required

- Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.8+ required / Not compatible with free Kontakt Player
- Runs as host or stand-alone application, VST or Audio Units plug-in, AAX under Pro Tools
- Minimum: Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU. 8 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended. For TMPro Patches, i7 or equivalent is highly recommended.
- Intimate Studio Strings requires 45GB of Hard Drive Space
- 8 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended
- Sample resolution: 48Khz / 24Bit stereo .wav, .ncw format
- Format(s): Kontakt





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