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影视弦乐 CineSamples CineStrings Runs KONTAK

2020-5-30 09:38| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 564| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

A comprehensive collection of tempo-locked runs, scales and rips recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles.

CineStrings RUNS is the most composer-friendly strings scales, runs and rips library in the world. Recorded at the world famous MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures studios in Los Angeles, CA, CineStrings RUNS compliments both our CineStrings CORE library and our popular Hollywoodwinds library. (The mapping is identical to Hollywoodwinds.) Nothing can make for a more authentic string section sound than the actual recordings of strings runs in a great room. Combined with our advanced script and easy-to-use interface, this is a remarkably convincing library for anyone who needs to add a more realistic flair to their mockups.

Sync To Downbeat

What makes this library so intuitive and useful right out of the box is the all-new "Sync to Downbeat" function. This innovative feature allows you to sync the end of the run to the nearest downbeat, regardless of where you start in the bar, or your time signature. The runs will also sync to changing tempos mid-run.

Very useful for writing quickly!

Notation View

All included runs, rips and trills have been notated out and are displayed as selected within the interface, so you can easily see exactly what is being played as you trigger different samples.

The types of scales include:

Major Scale
Natural Minor Scale
Harmonic Minor Scale
Octatonic Scale
Whole Tone Scale
Chromatic Scale

(With various combinations of one half, one full, or two full octaves upwards and downward runs starting on the tonic, 5th note and/or tritone of the key)

The Scales and Trills patch also includes the chordal whole step trill samples for both a major and a minor chord, while Tonal and Atonal Rips patch contains samples of short tonal and atonal rips of both upward and downward directions. 






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