If there was a single line of products that could sum up the foundation of Spitfire’s approach to sampling it would be Mural Symphonic Strings. Recorded at the same studio that has played host to billions of dollars worth of blockbuster scores, with the same players playing the same instruments. Deep sampled with an affluence unlike any other sample library. As a project of nearly 4 years we released it as a series of modular volumes. Power users out there appreciated the in-depth microphones and mixes, everyday users enjoyed being able to consume Mural in smaller more affordable iterations (especially with our Mural Ensembles degustation volume!). For reasons we’ll give in a minute, we’ve decided to take Mural 1, 2, 3, Ensembles & Evolutions off our shelves in their current form. To celebrate their award winning success and to give everyone one last opportunity to enjoy this modular set of tools we’re going to be offering ALL volumes at a discount of a massive 47% whilst also putting Symphonic Evolutions on sale as a standalone library for the first and last time. After nearly 4 years of hard graft we’re proud of what we consider to be the definitive selection of Symphonic Strings Samples. However having this broad selection of tools spread across different volumes does make for complications. We also found that without unifying the main body of work, we were unable to take advantage of articulation sharing between the different volumes for greater functionality and ease of use. We also feel if you want to go blockbuster you have to go bold, if you want cinematic you have to go big. So we have decided to take every articulation, dynamic layer, round robin, legato interval and rationalise it into the ultimate encyclopaedic compendium of Symphonic strings sampling to date, recorded in London, with no expense spared. Spitfire Symphonic Strings is the ‘Daddy’. We will initially release Spitfire Symphonic Strings as a ‘core’ product with everyone’s favourite and most diverse microphone positions C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient). Followed soon after by two expansion packs, #1 Additional Mics & Mixes and #2 ‘Evolutions’. What ISN’T in Spitfire Symphonic Strings that is in Mural? Frankly the tons of mic positions and stereo mixes. We’ve listened to many of you and it is simply the case that not all of you want, use or have space and a download capability for all these additional mics and mixes. So Spitfire Symphonic Strings contains three diverse sounding mics (Close, Tree, Ambient) which allow Symphonic Strings to be used on a variety of uses from expansive tight modern action music to sweeping romanticism. More importantly, the structural file complications of Mural are no longer in Spitfire Symphonic Strings, so maintaining and upgrading it will become a thing of pleasure not of pain! 1.5 (August 2015) UPDATE: Mural Vol1 and 2 moved to same codebase as Sable 1.5 ADDED: Extra dynamics recorded for Col Legno ADDED: Extra dynamics recorded for Harmonics ADDED: Initial release of Mural volume 3 FIXED: Various UACC2 issues FIXED: Lots of issues to do with blue key ranges and FX keys 1.2 (October 2014) UPDATE: Mural Vol1 and 2 moved to same codebase FIXED: Overlap on _Individual patches_ file names between volumes FIXED: Violin 1 Trill (Minor 2nd ) has incorrect UACC FIXED: Violins 1 and 2, Violas, Celli and Basses may crash when editing groups in Long patches FIXED: Violin 2 release triggers cause popping under certain situations FIXED: Violin 2 Col Legno are mapped an octave too high FIXED: Violin 2 Longs do not include Leader mics FIXED: Violin 2 TM patch issues FIXED: Viola Fingered Legato has issues with a couple of notes during Minor 7th, Major 7th and Octave intervals FIXED: Violas, Celli and Basses Combination Legato types all labelled as Fingered FIXED: Celli Core Palette - Release trigger for C2 p dynamics does not function correctly FIXED: CB (vol1+2) and V2 (vol2) TM2 patches do not function correctly. FIXED: CB TM patch issues 1.1 (May 2014) ADDED: Shared Keyswitches for easy integration with volume 2 ADDED: UACC Keyswitches for easy integration with volume 2 ADDED: Capability Matrix to show you what an articulation is capable of at a glance UPDATED: New palette layout to match Sable and allow for volume 2 integration UPDATED: Light palette for quickly getting up and running UPDATED: Legato (Fingered) programming optimised UPDATED: Moved to the latest Sandbox/BML Code base FIXED: Presets do not work correctly FIXED: Various UACC2 issues FIXED: V2 longs and legato nv looping issues (A3, G3 and more) FIXED: Round robin for Pizzicato cannot be safely modified. FIXED: Mural 1 Violins 1: Noise on legato patch on G#4 and A4 FIXED: Sustain pedal does not work 1.02 (March 2014) ADDED: UACC KS functionality added to switch articulations via velocity UPDATE: Performance improvements under the hood. HOTFIX: UACC misapping corrected HOTFIX: Release pedal now working (except for legato; just not supported) HOTFIX: Changing MIDI channel reinitialises CC sliders so that release samples do not disappear HOTFIX: Loading a patch on MIDI channel 'Omni' correctly initialises CC sliders 1.01 (2 February 2014) HOTFIX: Ostinatum release issue HOTFIX: Round robin change issue HOTFIX: Celli attack issue HOTFIX: Artic switcher issue HOTFIX: Various overlay issues 如果有一行产品可以总结出Spitfire采样方法的基础,那将是壁画交响乐团。记录在同一个工作室,播放了数十亿美元的重磅炸弹,与同一玩家玩同样的乐器。与任何其他样本库不同,深度采样。作为近4年的项目,我们将其作为一系列模块化产品发布。强大的用户欣赏深度的麦克风和混音,日常用户喜欢能够在更小的更实惠的迭代中消耗壁画(特别是与我们的壁画集合体积!)。 由于我们稍后会给予我们的理由,因此我们决定以现有形式从我们的货架上拍摄壁画1,2,3,Ensembleles and Evolutions。为了庆祝他们获奖的成功,并给予每个人最后一次机会享受这个模块化的工具,我们将提供所有卷,折扣大约47%,同时也将Symphonic Evolutions作为独立的图书馆出售第一次也是最后一次。 经过近4年的艰苦奋斗,我们为我们认为是交响乐串样品的最终选择感到自豪。然而,将这种广泛选择的工具分散在不同的卷中,确实会使并发症发生。我们还发现,没有统一主体工作,我们无法利用不同卷之间的交互共享来实现更大的功能和易用性。我们也觉得如果你想去大片,你必须大胆,如果你想要电影,你必须走大。所以我们决定采取每一个发音,动态层次,循环,连续的间隔,并将其合理化为迄今为止在伦敦录制的交响弦字符串的最终百科全书汇编,没有任何费用。喷火交响弦是“爸爸”。 我们将首先发布Spitfire Symphonic Strings作为“核心”产品,每个人都喜欢和最多样化的麦克风位置C(输),T(ree),A(mbient)。紧随其后的是两个扩展包,#1附加的麦克风和混合和#2'Evolutions。 什么不是在壁画中的火焰交响弦? 坦率地说,麦克风位置和立体声混合的吨。我们已经听了很多人,只是不是所有的人都想要,使用或拥有所有这些额外的麦克风和混音的空间和下载功能。所以喷火交响乐弦包含三种不同的声音麦克风​​(关闭,树,环境),允许交响乐弦从广泛的紧凑现代动作音乐到浪漫主义的各种用途。 更重要的是,壁画的结构文件并发症不再是喷火交响弦,所以保持和升级将成为一件不快乐的事情! 1.5(2015年8月) 更新:壁画Vol1和2移动到与Sable 1.5相同的代码库 添加:Col Legno录制的额外动力 ADDED:Harmonics记录的额外动力 添加:壁画卷3的初始释放 固定:各种UACC2问题 固定:与蓝键范围和FX键有关的许多问题 1.2(2014年10月) 更新:壁画Vol1和2移动到相同的代码库 FIXED:在_Individual patches_之间重叠 - 文件名 FIXED:Violin 1 Trill(Minor 2nd)具有不正确的UACC 固定:在长补丁程序中编辑组时,小提琴1和2,中提琴,小提琴和低音可能会崩溃 固定:小提琴2释放触发器导致在某些情况下弹出 固定:小提琴2 Col Legno映射八度音程太高 固定:小提琴2长不包括领袖麦克风 固定:小提琴2 TM补丁问题 固定:Viola Fingered Legato在小七,大七和八度间隔期间都有几张笔记的问题 固定:中提琴,小提琴和低音组合Legato类型全部标记为Fingered 固定:Celli核心调色板 - C2 p动态释放触发功能无法正常工作 固定:CB(vol1 + 2)和V2(vol2)TM2补丁功能不正常。 固定:CB TM补丁问题 1.1(2014年5月) ADDED:共享钥匙开关,轻松与第2卷集成 添加:UACC钥匙开关可轻松与第2卷集成 添加:能力矩阵,向您展示一个关节能够一目了然 UPDATED:新的调色板布局,以匹配Sable并允许第2卷集成 更新:轻型调色板快速起床和运行 更新:Legato(Fingered)编程优化 更新:移动到最新的Sandbox / BML代码库 固定:预设不正常 固定:各种UACC2问题 固定:V2 longs和legato nv循环问题(A3,G3等) 固定:Pizzicato的轮回不能安全地修改。 FIXED:壁画1小提琴1:G#4和A4上的legato贴片上的噪音 固定:延音踏板不起作用 1.02(2014年3月) 添加:UACC KS功能通过速度切换关节 更新:引擎盖下的性能改进。 HOTFIX:UACC误导已更正 HOTFIX:释放踏板现在工作(除了legato;只是不支持) |