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卡林巴 Soundiron Kalimba v3.0 KONTAKT

2021-8-27 21:56| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 383| 评论: 0

大小:2.26 GB

该卡林巴是古代非洲Mbira的现代化版本,也经常被称为拇指钢琴。它有一种谦逊、悠扬的敲击拨弦音色,带有马林巴般温暖和音色。它通常与钢琴和其他调谐打击乐器结合使用,为声音添加更清晰的攻击和俏皮感。我们的乐器由木头和椰子壳制成,锤制的钢齿悬在它们的音孔上。对于我们两种乐器中较小的一种,音符跨越大约一个八度半,对于较大的 kalimba,音符跨越两个八度。

我们在 3 种不同的环境中录制了 kalimbas:在我们的工作室中关闭和干燥;在中等距离的小而明亮的房间里;在一个又大又长的线性大厅中,麦克风距离很近(1 米)和远(15 米)。我们称我们的长厅为“地堡”,因为这正是它的真实面目——一战时期地下深处的炮兵掩体。这是我们最喜欢的秘密地点之一,用于 Rust 2 库的某些部分和我们收藏中的其他几种乐器。干录音是用一对立体声大振膜电容器在 2 英寸远的非常干燥的空间中完成的。你会听到一点木头的摩擦声和吱吱声。我们认为这些元素有助于赋予乐器更真实的声音和感觉。
对于 Kalimba 3.0,我们重新制作了样本,将它们插入到我们高效的四层模块化模板中,并从原始源内容中创建了全新的环境垫和音景。我们还设计了 20 个新的自定义 FX 预设,为您的下一部电影/视频游戏配乐、配乐或音乐创作提供即时灵感。

The Kalimba is a modernized version of the ancient African Mbira, also often called a thumb piano. It has a humble, melodious percussive plucking sound with a marimba-like warmth and tonal body. It is often used in conjunction with pianos and other tuned percussion instruments to add a sharper attack and playfulness to the sound. Our instruments were made of wood and coconut shell, with hammered steel tines suspended over their sound holes. The notes span about an octave and a half for the smaller of our two instruments and over two octaves for the larger kalimba.
We recorded kalimbas in 3 different environments: Close and Dry in our studio; at medium distance in a small bright chamber; and in a large, long linear hall, at both close (1 meter) and far (15 meters) microphone distances. We call our long hall “The Bunker”, because that’s exactly what it really is – a deep underground World War 1-era artillery bunker. It’s one of our favorite secret locations, used for some parts of the Rust 2 library and several other instruments in our collection. The dry recording was done with a stereo pair of large-diaphragm condensers at 2 inches away in a very dry space. You’ll hear a little bit of wood scuffing and creaking. We think those elements help to give the instruments a truer life-like sound and feel.

For Kalimba 3.0, we remastered the samples, inserted them into our efficient four-layer modular template, and created brand new ambient pads and soundscapes from the raw source content. We also designed 20 new custom FX presets to give you instant inspiration for your next film/video game score, soundtrack or music composition.






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