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女性死亡金属歌声 Karoryfer Merie Ork v2.000 PC

2020-11-26 23:23| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 445| 评论: 0

大小:1.27 GB

玛丽·奥克是一个语音库为免费的Plogue改变/Ego合成器。她是从一位女性死亡金属歌手的录音中创造的, 但能够不仅仅是死亡金属咆哮。原始版本是 2016 年 KVR 开发人员挑战赛的参赛作品。

改变/Ego 可以从 Plogue 的网站下载。如果您想知道如何使用 Alter/Ego,我们已经在另一页上收集了一些教程视频。

她可以用作一个虚拟歌手谁可以唱歌和咆哮,怪物的声音和声音效果的来源的游戏和电影音频,和合成器,产生奇怪的纹理。她的声音库包含四个声音:干净的歌声,说话,咆哮(嘈杂的不说话的声乐)和空间(能够产生一个可辨识的音高,只是普通的怪异)。所有的咆哮和空间录音都是英语语音,而干净和健谈的声音为拉丁语增加了一些额外的音素。日语也受支持,但会有口音。超过50个预设包括从传统唱歌到哑剧低音。总下载大小为 652 MB。


Marie Ork is a voice bank for the free Plogue Alter/Ego synthesizer. She was created from recordings of a female death metal vocalist, but is capable of much more than just death metal growls. The original version was an entry in the 2016 KVR Developer Challenge.

Alter/Ego can be downloaded from Plogue's website. If you are wondering how to use Alter/Ego, we've collected some tutorial videos on another page.

She can be used as a virtual vocalist who can both sing and growl, a source of monster voices and sound effects for game and film audio, and a synthesizer which generates strange textures. Her voice bank contains four voices: clean singing voice, talker, growl (noisy unpitched vocal) and space (capable of producing a discernible pitch, just plain weird). All the growl and space voice recordings were of English phonetics, while the clean and talker voices add a few extra phonemes for Latin. Japanese is also supported, but will have an accent. More than 50 presets are included ranging from conventional singing to dubstep basses. The total download size is 652 MB.

This walkthrough explains her general functionality.






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