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效果包 Dotec-Audio All Products v1.4.8 PC

2022-11-6 11:23| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 519| 评论: 0

软件格式:VST, VST3, AAX x86 x64
大小:69.1 MB

DeeChannelTool v1.0.2 是混合和掌握的一款出色的监控工具。它还可以更改中侧平衡,并且具有 2 个模拟控制台模型,可模拟声音过载。
DeeComp v2.5.2 是完美的软件动态解决方案。DeeComp 为您带来广泛的声音解决方案,包括以模拟/模拟 VST 压缩机甚至硬件型号永远不会创建的特定声音。
DeeCrystal v1.0.2 是一款结晶器,为脏声音提供水晶亮度和更清晰的轮廓。
DeeFat v2.5.2 是一个创建"胖声音"的财团。它可以完美地用于现场表演,因为他们工作快速和优雅...
DeeFX v1.1.4 - 插件。其中迪斯登卡,过滤器和迪拉被集成。它给即兴,可以体现的想法,没有停止!
DeeGate v1.1.3 - DeeGate - 一个非常简单的噪声门,将声音静音低于规定阈值。
DeeGraphComp v1.0.2 - 图形压缩机
DeeMMax v2.1.0 - 用于掌握的特殊体积最大化器!得益于专利的谐波处理技术,您可以发出响亮的声音,避免声音的云彩,同时保持混音的平衡。
DeeMax v2.6.3 - 虚拟电平最大化器
DeePanpot v2.1.3 - 控制源立体声的平移。
DeePopMax v1.0.2 - DeePopMax - 针对 CD 和数字发行优化的最大化器!现代流行音乐需要掌握,考虑到使用设备来播放低音量,如个人电脑和智能手机。DeePopMax 可自动调整每个系列的音量平衡,以惊人的质量营造令人难忘的声音。
* 迪赛德因 v1.0.2
DeeSpeaker v1.0.7 - 模拟近场监视器(45 度,1 米)
DeeSubBass v1.0.4 - 当代音乐的壮观子低音发生器。从添加流行音乐的基础到超级低音崩溃。非常容易使用,只需选择歌曲的基调。您可以使用电平、驱动器和高频滤波器根据您的喜好自定义声音。合成低音,踢,整个混合可用于所有的声音源,你需要一个亚低音。
DeeTrim v2.5.2 是一个简单的插件,可控制从 -12dB 到 3dB 的音量。它可以保持输出电平从任何输入级别不变。当您想要保持轨道(声乐等)的一定恒定音量水平时,这很有帮助。
DeeWider v2.0.2 是一个插件,通过共享 LCR 平移来扩展声音。

DeeChannelTool v1.0.2 is a great monitoring tool for mixing and mastering. It can also change the Mid-Side balance and has 2 analog console models that can simulate sound overload.
DeeComp v2.5.2 is the perfect software dynamic solution. DeeComp brings you a wide range of sound solutions including a specific sound that famously simulated/emulated VST compressors or even hardware models would never create.
DeeCrystal v1.0.2 is a crystallizer that gives crystal brightness and clearer outlines to dirty sounds.
You can achieve the best of equithing with just two sliders.
DeeFat v2.5.2 is a consortium that creates a "fat sound." It can be perfectly used in live performances, as they work quickly and gracefully...
DeeFX v1.1.4 - plug-in. in which the distorshenka, filter and dila are integrated. It gives improvisation that can embody ideas without stopping!
DeeGate v1.1.3 - DeeGate - a very simple noise gate that will mute sounds below the stated threshold.
DeeGraphComp v1.0.2 - Graphic Compressor
DeeMMax v2.1.0 - Special volume maximizer for mastering! Thanks to the patented harmonic processing technology, you can get a loud sound, avoiding the clouding of sound while maintaining the balance of the mix.
DeeMax v2.6.3 - Virtual Level Maximizer
DeePanpot v2.1.3 - controls the panning of the source stereo.
DeePopMax v1.0.2 - DeePopMax - maximizer optimized for CD and digital distribution! Modern pop music requires mastering, taking into account the use of devices to play with low volume, such as PCs and smartphones. DeePopMax automatically adjusts the volume balance of each range to create a memorable sound with stunning quality.
* DeeSideIn v1.0.2
DeeSpeaker v1.0.7 - simulates near-field monitors (45 degrees, 1 meter)
DeeSubBass v1.0.4 - Spectacular sub-bass generator for contemporary music. From adding the foundation of pop music to super bass crashing. It's very easy to use, just choose the tone of the song. You can customize the sound to your liking with a level, drive and a high frequency filter. Synthetic bass, kick, whole mix can be used for all sound sources in which you need a sub-bass.
DeeTrim v2.5.2 is a simple plug-in that controls volume from -12dB to 3dB. It can keep the output level unchanged from any level of input. This helps when you want to keep in the tracks (vocals, etc.) a certain constant volume level.
DeeWider v2.0.2 is a plug-in that expands the sound by sharing LCR panning.






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