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真实电吉他 MusicLab RealStrat v4.0.0.7250 PC MAC

2020-7-7 09:02| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 775| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

系统要求:Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10 32bit or 64bit;MAC,OS X 10.9/10.10/10.11/10.12/10.13
软件格式:PC,VST2/VST3/AAX 32bit or 64bit host;MAC,VST2/VST3/AU/AAX 32bit or 64bit host
大小:WIN: 235.5MB | OSX: 227.0MB

Fender Stratocaster is the most popular electric guitar from 50s till nowadays. It has been used by many leading guitarists, and thus can be heard on many historic recordings.

REALSTRAT — sample-based virtual instrument with an innovative approach to guitar sound modeling and guitar techniques emulating on a standard MIDI keyboard.

RealStrat provides incredible playability based on the unique performance modes and easy-to-use keyboard layout as well as the advanced key/pedal/velocity switch system allowing a keyboardist to perform guitar parts with a whole new level of realistic expression. RealStrat covers practically all sounds, articulations, and techniques a professional guitarist can produce on his Strat, including mute, bridge mute, harmonics, pinch harmonics, slap, unison bend, strumming, picking, chord chopping, scrapes, etc...

High quality dry samples recorded directly from Stratocaster pick-ups let you easily create any desired guitar sound using your favourite amplifier simulator.


Multi-channel layering technology, incorporating a custom library of specially recorded samples taken from every fret of all 6 strings of a real guitar.
The unique Floating Fret Position technology, which imitates change of fret position of a guitarist's hand on the neck. This gives you the possibility of playing on up to 140 guitar frets using just 46 keys of a standard keyboard!
Our original Guitar Touch technology letting you easily imitate basic guitar techniques (strumming, plucking, sliding, bending, muting, etc..), using standard MIDI keyboard and MIDI controllers, such as Pitch Bender, Modulation Wheel, Sustain Pedal, and Aftertouch.
Sound Humanize technology allowing to wholly remove 'machine gun' effect on note repetition (tremolo, strumming, etc…).
Guitar Rhythm Pattern technology providing powerful Pattern Manager completed with huge MusicLab Guitar Pattern Library for easily creating guitar accompaniment tracks. All you have to do is to find the appropriate rhythm pattern(s) in the Pattern Manager tree view, copy it to the needed number of measures, start your sequencer and use MIDI keyboard to play chord changes, or alternatively add chords to a MIDI track via sequencer's editor.
The unique Struminator technology letting you use alternative MIDI controller (standard Guitar Hero game controller for Sony Playstation 3 by Activision Inc.) for creating authentic guitar accompaniment parts with ease and fun.
These technologies allow to closely emulate live guitar sound and performance, letting you create guitar parts with a whole new level of realistic expression.

Fender Stratocaster是50年代至今最流行的电吉他。它已经被许多着名的吉他手使用,因此可以听到许多历史记录。

REALSTRAT - 基于样本的虚拟乐器,采用创新的方法在标准MIDI键盘上模拟吉他声音建模和吉他技巧。

RealStrat基于独特的演奏模式和简单易用的键盘布局以及先进的按键/踏板/速度开关系统,提供令人难以置信的可玩性,让键盘手可以以全新的真实表情表现吉他声部。 RealStrat几乎涵盖了专业吉他手可以在他的Strat上制作的所有声音,演奏和技巧,包括静音,桥静音,谐波,捏音,拍击,一齐弯曲,弹拨,拾音,和弦切断,擦伤等等。



我们原创的吉他触摸技术让您轻松使用标准MIDI键盘和MIDI控制器(如Pitch Bender,Modulation Wheel,Sustain Pedal和Aftertouch)来模仿基本的吉他技巧(弹拨,拨动,滑动,弯曲,静音等)。
独特的Struminator技术让您可以使用替代MIDI控制器(Activision公司的索尼Playstation 3的标准吉他英雄游戏控制器),轻松有趣地创建正宗的吉他伴奏部分。







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