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CineSample Voxos.Epic Virtual Choir 超震撼史诗虚拟合唱

2020-6-11 09:20| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 381| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

CineSample公司出品的人声合唱音色库,带有大量真实人声合唱样本,Kontakt 4音色格式。 连奏脚本引擎,使合唱旋律过渡更加自然。 更多音色试听:http://cinesamples.com/products/voxos/ VOXOS: Epic Virtual Choirs is a remarkable new virtual instrument containing a full epic choir, boys choir, soloists and individual choir legato sections. Powered by the industry-leading Kontakt Player engine, VOXOS contains world-renowned choirs and soloists with experience in recording for countless Hollywood films, trailers, video games and the concert stage. Recorded at the beautiful Bastyr Chapel, with its gorgeous acoustics, the choirs were captured with multiple microphone positions in 24bit/48k 5.1 surround. The result is a pristine tone that sounds great right out of the box. VOXOS contains over 35,000 samples, at an uncompressed size of 35GB. VOXOS is split up into three main sections: Phrase Builder - 30 Syllable Matrix Editor- Intuitive, performance-oriented scripting- Staccatos, Sustains, Shouts, Whispers- Dynamic morphing between dynamics- 4 Mic positions + Full Mix- Section contains over 16,000 samples Legato Sections - Sopranos (Ah, Oo, p to ff)- Altos (Ah, Oo, p to ff)- Tenors (Ah, Oo, p to ff)- Basses (Ah, Oo, p to ff)- Boys Choir (Ah, Oo, p to ff)- Solo Boy, Soprano and Alto- Real transition samples for all intervals- Innovative Voice Leading Engine (V.L.E.)- 4 Mic positions + Full Mix- Section alone contains 17,000 samples Choir FX - Trailer Risers- Shouts- Whispers- Grunts- Screams- Tonal Diatonic Clusters (pp to fff)- Atonal Clusters (pp to fff)- 1950?s Sandman Choir (bum bum)- Contains over 1,700 samples- 4 Mic positions + Full Mix Phrase Builder The Phrase Builder is a powerful way of adding word syllables into a choir performance. VOXOS contains a 30 syllable selector matrix which allows you to quickly assemble multi-syllable phrases onto a grid. Each syllable will intelligently advance to the next syllable, based on your keyboard performance. If it's a sustain, the Phrase Builder can also connect one syllable over many notes, in a melismatic way.     本店特色 1 所有光盘都是打印机彩喷;加成本 不加价更美观不掉质量   告别手写成的乱码 2 满100可以包邮费 3 所有的软件都做了视频的安装教程随光盘赠送解决了安装使用困 难的问题。 4 所有音色都经过测试保证能完整安装使用。 5 使用高质量包真光盘低速度备份可长久使用(建议买家可以要光盘号码辨别真  违 不用假的便宜盘) 6 全部快递发送3到5天可到。万一有质量问题可以免费快递重发。 如有需要联系掌柜。本店不仅仅整的是钱 更是信誉和品质

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