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SD鼓扩展纽约鼓 Toontrack New York Studios Vol.2 SDX v1.5.0

2020-1-8 16:08| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 1102| 评论: 0

软件格式:Superior Drummer 扩展
大小:10.7 GB

13个圈套鼓,七套汤姆斯,七脚踢和各种各样的不同圆环 - 所有样品的极端细节,并展示了两个纽约市地标工作室令人难以置信的声波品质。

纽约工作室Vol.2 SDX由工程师尼尔·多夫斯曼和帕特·萨尔与鼓手尼尔·Z共同录制。它包括一组独特的鼓,在两个最著名的纽约工作室品尝:阿莱尔工作室和命中工厂。几十年来,这两个标志性的设施都接待了流行音乐的制作人——从大卫·鲍伊到史蒂夫·旺德、迈克尔·杰克逊、滚石乐队和保罗·西蒙。

纽约工作室 Vol.2 SDX 分为两个独立的图书馆,每个工作室一个。总共,它配备了13个圈套鼓,7套汤姆斯,7个踢和各种各样的不同圆环 - 所有样品与极端的细节,并展示了这两个房间令人难以置信的声波品质。Allaire工作室的房间是环境,牧师和几乎教堂一样,在其建设。密集的木墙和天花板产生温暖和自然的混响,使鼓一个清晰的性格,而不会太响亮或接管。命中工厂有一个同样巨大的房间,产生一个非常丰富和典型的自然混响。

纽约工作室 Vol.2 SDX 展示了在大而完美的房间中录制的优质鼓的精髓。尽管如此,在高级鼓手的内置声音塑造工具,只有你的想象力设置限制,你如何最终制作你的最终鼓组合。环境,紧,光滑,响亮,湿润 - 画布是空白的。开始创建。

拥有两个经典的鼓室 – Allaire 工作室和命中工厂
13 个鼻套,7 套汤姆斯,7 个 (7) 脚踢和多种球杆

13 snare drums, seven sets of toms, seven kicks and a wide assortment of different cymbals – all sampled in extreme detail and showcasing the incredible sonic qualities of two New York City landmark studios.

The New York Studios Vol.2 SDX was recorded by engineers Neil Dorfsman and Pat Thrall together with drummer Nir Z. It includes a collection of unique drums sampled in two of the most noted New York studios ever: the Allaire Studios and The Hit Factory. These two landmark facilities have hosted the who’s who of popular music for decades – anything from David Bowie to Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones and Paul Simon.

The New York Studios Vol.2 SDX is divided in two separate libraries, one for each studio. In total, it comes with 13 snare drums, seven sets of toms, seven kicks and a wide assortment of different cymbals – all sampled with extreme detail and showcasing the incredible sonic qualities of these two rooms. The room at Allaire Studios is ambient, reverberant and almost church-like in its construction. The dense wooden walls and ceiling produce a warm and natural reverb that give the drums a clear character without being too loud or taking over. The Hit Factory has an equally massive room, producing a very rich and characteristic natural reverb.

The New York Studios Vol.2 SDX presents the essence of quality drums recorded in big, sonically perfect rooms. Still, with the built-in sound shaping tools in Superior Drummer, only your imagination sets the limits as to how you ultimately craft your final drum mix. Ambient, tight, slick, loud, dampened – the canvas is blank. Start creating.

Recorded by top engineer/producer/drummer team Neil Dorfsman, Pat Thrall and Nir Z
Featuring two classic drum rooms – Allaire Studios and The Hit Factory
13 snares, seven (7) sets of toms, seven (7) kicks and a wide selection of cymbals
Included MIDI library played by drummer Nir Z








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