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鲸鱼鼓 Soundiron Whale Drum v2.0 KONTAKT

2019-12-27 16:26| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 853| 评论: 0

大小:1.13 GB


我们用锤子、木棍和刷子在干燥的工作室环境中录制了我们的 14" 8 舌头的 Vermilion 舌鼓。我们记录每个锤子击中音符在舌头中心和边缘位置,平均10个动态速度层和10个循环变化每个音符。棍子和刷子的铰接在鼓周围的各种边缘和表面。然后,我们用锤子和棍子从一小段距离上用大的瓷砖和石厅记录第二次与乐器的会话。这种"湿"的大厅声音是理想的管弦乐安排和更大气的歌曲创作。

Whale Drum - Tuned Percussion - virtual instrument sample library for Kontakt by Soundiron

作为奖励,我们还录制了一个较小的 3 音符狭缝鼓和一个木制玩具木质木琴。此外,还有从原始声源材料雕刻的精致大气垫和不断变化的氛围的极富优势的选择。所有这些铰接和声音集都提供独立的铰接分层、混合和切换,触手可及。


UI 配备了许多伟大的声音塑造控件,如膨胀,攻击,释放,偏移,颤音,滤波器,音调(粗糙和精细),铰接开关,交叉褪色和分层,等等。"高级控制"窗口添加了其他选项,如具有形状、目标、速度、强度、节奏同步和淡入控制功能的 LFO。您还可以从 12 个低通、高通和 FX 滤波器中进行选择,具有可分配调制目标,如速度、模轮、表达式、关键位置和步进定序器表控制。ARP 系统具有速度序列器,并用于 arp 方向、音符计时、摆动、随机化和持续时间控制。新的钥匙和刻度锁系统允许轻松的旋律组成和现场表演。这一切都由我们的模块化FX机架窗口四舍五入,有18个不同的DSP效果模块,你可以分配在10个可用插槽中的任何一个,以任何顺序,你想。你会发现经典的相、法兰、延迟、失真、放大器和驾驶室模拟器、压缩机、EQ、旋转器等等。

全 10x10 轮游








The Whale Drum is a modern example of one of the world’s oldest known instrument families: the tongue or slit drum. These progenitors of the “idiophone” family were originally developed in Africa thousands of years ago. They were originally carved from hollow logs or wooden blocks and struck to produce percussive musical tones. It is one of the few instruments considered to possibly predate language itself. Over the ages, slit drums have been substantially refined to allow more accurate intonation and wider key ranges. We selected our whaledrum for its marimba-like warmth, dreamy tone, gentle softly-rounded attack and subtly undulating decay. The lower notes have an especially deep richness to them.

We recorded our 14” 8-tongued vermilion tongue drum in a dry studio environment with mallets, wooden sticks and brushes. We recorded each mallet struck note at both tongue center and edge positions, with an average of 10 dynamic velocity layers and 10 round-robin variations per note. The stick and brush articulations were played over various edges and surfaces around the drum. We then recorded a second session with the instrument in a large reverberant tile and stone hall from a slight distance with mallets and sticks. This “wet” hall sound is ideal for orchestral arrangements and more atmospheric songwriting.

As a bonus, we also recorded a smaller 3-note slit drum and a wooden toy xylophone. There is also a great bonus selection of delicate atmospheric pads and evolving ambiences sculpted from the original acoustic source material. All of these articulations and sound sets offer independent articulation layering, blending and switching right at your fingertips.


The UI comes packed with lots of great sound-shaping controls like swell, attack, release, offset, vibrato, filter, pitch (coarse & fine), articulation switching, cross-fading and layering, and so much more. The Advanced Control window adds additional options like an LFO with shape, target, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in control. You can also choose from 12 low-pass, high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, modwheel, expression, key position and step-sequencer table control. The ARP system features a velocity sequencer and controls for arp direction, note timing, swing, randomization and duration. The new key and scale lock system allows for easy melodic composition and live performance. It's all rounded out by our modular FX rack window, with 18 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 10 available slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phase, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators, compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more.

Full 10x10 Round Robin

Expressive dynamic layering

Dry Whale Drum Mallets, Sticks, Brushes and Effects

Wet Hall Whale Drum Mallets and Sticks

Baby Whale Drum

Toy Xylophone

Sound-designed ambiences and atmospheric synth pads

Stick and Brush PErcussion Effects





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