通过Strezov采样 由Oliver Codd和Jasper Blunk制作 风暴合唱团是基于Kontakt的12件史诗般的室内合唱团,录制在一个有力的小大厅中。 保加利亚顶级歌剧歌手索非亚(Sofia)的十二位(6位男性,6位女性–分开录 ......
我们最受欢迎的产品变得更加精致!一个20件的室内合唱团在索非亚会议工作室录制了三个麦克风位置(我们录制了我们的阿夫弗拉图斯和下一代合唱团系列的同一大厅)。全新的录音移植在强大的 Syllabuilder 引擎中,为您 ......
要创建网站?找到免费的WordPress主题和插件。 8Dio Studio Sopranos标志着合唱团采样新一代的开始。声音从亲密和细节流动到飙升和史诗。由艾美提名作曲家Colin O'Malley制作的“Sopranos”工作室由9名女高音独立创 ......
Sonokinetic Ethnic Desert Voice KONTAKT | 4.05 Gb Sonokinetic独特而独特的,种类丰富的中东男性嗓音库捕捉到了伊拉克埃及阿拉伯男性嗓音的神秘之美和令人印象深刻的魔力。无论您是要制作正宗的中东乐曲,还是在 ......
‘Whistler’ is a virtual human whistler with real samples (no synthesis). You will find this Kontakt library very easy and intuitive to use. You’ll also find a real multi-sampled singing bird with n ......
系统要求:PC/MAC软件格式:KONTAKT厂家:https://cinesamples.com/product/voxos-epic-choirs大小: 26.2 GB时间:2019年8月15日 VOXOS: Epic Virtual Choirs is Cinesamples’ virtual choir instrument for prof ......
Reposted without *stolen* serial. Thanks go out to AudioZ user Intrinsic for the Uploaded.net and RG links. Give him some love, too! REALIVOX – BLUE: It starts with the voice. Blue is my go-to ......
CineSample公司出品的人声合唱音色库,带有大量真实人声合唱样本,Kontakt 4音色格式。 连奏脚本引擎,使合唱旋律过渡更加自然。 更多音色试听:http://cinesamples.com/products/voxos/ VOXOS: Epic Virtual Choirs ......
After the great (and unexpected!) success of the 1st Singers experimental library, Hephaestus proposes the next concept of Singers. The library introduces 2 new very very young female singers, Nastasy ......
Exhale is a playable vocal engine built for every composer, producer and artist seeking that cutting-edge sound in today's most creative music. Output introduced a new take on the modern vocal soun ......
Mercury Elements is an exquisitely recorded boys' chorus for Native Instruments Kontakt and Kontakt Player, hand-selected from the most essential elements of our comprehensive Mercury Symphonic Boys' ......
Voice Of Gaia: Strawberry is a professional solo mezzo-soprano female vocal library featuring premier vocalist Linda Strawberry Coloma. This 5.4 GB collection features deeply sampled legato, sustain a ......
A unique product that brought to life our "Syllabuilder" engine - a powerful word building software that allows you to write your own words which will be "sung" by a virtual ethnic Bulgarian c ......
Sonokinetic公司出品的中东人声音色库,包含男声和女声音色,无论你是要制作纯正的中东地区音乐,还是要为了其他风格音乐添加特殊的情调,这套音色库都是非常适用的。 基本样本: 2种声音; 1个男声, 1个女声. 土耳 ......
We here at Soundiron are proud to reveal the single most comprehensive, playable and powerfully sampled children’s choir ever released: The Mercury Symphonic Boychoir. We took all of what we learned ......