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电子合成器Soundiron Ambius Prime KONTAKT-FANTASTiC

2020-4-28 14:43| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 852| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin


Soundiron’s original Ambius release received a glowing review from Martin Walker in SOS November 2010, since when the concept has gone from strength to strength. The entire series is now available as a single collection called Ambius Prime (9.15GB installed), which bundles Ambius 1 — Transmissions with Ambius 2 — Systematik and Ambius 3 — Expanse; the first two can be bought separately, but Ambius 3 is only available as part of the Ambius Prime bundle. The libraries run on both the free Kontakt Player and the full version of Kontakt (version 5.6.8 or later).

Soundiron Ambius Prime
The libraries were created from organic field and live instrument recordings, which have been processed to create over 3000 original hybrid sounds. These have been whipped up into a huge array of pads, drones, ambiences, pulses, evolving textures and leads of a distinctly experimental nature. Not the kind of thing required by a keyboardist playing in a country rock band in deepest Virginia, but likely to be of great interest to soundtrack composers, creative pop producers, left-field songwriters, sound designers and the wider community of intrepid sonic adventurers.

At the heart of the Kontakt GUI is an assignable X/Y pad, a virtual joystick which allows you to morph between four layers; you can adjust it manually, or set it to create a rhythmic motion which syncs to your host tempo. Each layer has its own sound-shaping options, including attack, release, sample offset, pitch and 39 built-in filter types; the layers’ volume, pitch, pan, filter frequency and resonance can also be modulated. Monophonic glide, an on-board arpeggiator and a Kontakt effects rack emblazoned with virtual band bumper stickers add to the fun.
This unorthodox set contains some gems. I liked the menacing, other-worldly pulsing shudder of Ambius 1’s ‘Shiversparkle’ (which evoked visions of a monstrous alien industrial assembly line) and appreciated the subversive ear-shredding scream of ‘The Shakes’, like fingernails on a digital blackboard. By way of contrast, the library also features lovely, tranquil-sounding pads. Unleashing the arpeggiator on Ambius 2’s ‘Filter Slide’ preset yielded some great, bubbling percussive 1950s Radiophonic Workshop-style sequences, and I’ve made a mental note to dial up the library’s massive ‘Deeper Purple’ drone if they ever ask me to write the music for Blade Runner 3.

Moving on, I enjoyed the ethereal, slightly unsettling atmosphere of Ambius 3’s ‘Domick 1’ sample. While many of that library’s presets are impressively complex, I found that disabling the X/Y pad motion and auditioning individual layers often revealed more generally usable material — for example, turning off the two cheesy Tron-style sequences built into the ‘Psychedelic Anxiety’ preset simplified and improved the overall sound. This points to the fact that while Ambius Prime has lot to offer at surface level, further rewards await those who take the time to investigate its deeper features.

自2004年11月以来,Soundiron最初的Ambius版本在马丁·沃克(Martin Walker)的作品中得到了极大的好评。整个系列现在作为一个名为Ambius Prime(安装9.15GB)的单一集合可用,它将Ambius 1 - Ambitions 2 - Systematik和Ambius 3 - Expanse前两个可以单独购买,但Ambius 3仅作为Ambius Prime捆绑包的一部分提供。这些库运行在免费的Kontakt播放器和Kontakt(5.6.8或更高版本)的完整版本上。
Soundiron Ambius Prime

Kontakt GUI的核心是一个可指定的X / Y键盘,一个虚拟的游戏杆,可以让你在四层之间变形;您可以手动调整它,或者将其设置为创建一个与您的主机速度同步的节奏动作。每层都有自己的声音选择功能,包括攻击,释放,样本偏移,音高和39种内置滤波器类型;音量,音高,声像,滤波频率和谐振也可以被调制。单声道滑翔,机载琶音器和带有虚拟乐队保险杠贴纸的Kontakt特效机架增添了乐趣。

这个非正统的集合包含一些宝石。我喜欢Ambius 1的“Shiversparkle”(这引起了一个怪异的外星人工业装配线的异象)的威胁性的,另一个世界性的脉动颤栗,并赞赏“The Shakes”的颠覆性的耳塞式的尖叫,就像数字黑板上的指甲一样。相比之下,图书馆还设有可爱,宁静的垫子。在Ambius 2的“过滤器幻灯片”预设中释放琶音器,产生了一些巨大的,冒泡的20世纪50年代Radiophonic Workshop风格的序列,如果他们要求我写作, Blade Runner 3的音乐。

继续,我享受了Ambius 3的“Domick 1”样品的空灵,稍微令人不安的氛围。虽然很多图书馆的预设是非常复杂的,但我发现禁用X / Y垫的动作和试听个别层次往往揭示了更为普遍的可用材料 - 例如,关闭“迷幻焦虑”中的两个Tron风格的序列,预置简化,改善整体音效。这表明,虽然Ambius Prime在表面层面上提供了很多东西,但还有更多的回报等待那些花时间调查其深层特征的人。





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