Titanium Chimes have a strikingly beautiful and musically hollow sound. Very unique and you can add the wonderful sound of the Titanium Chimes to your sonic pallet today! Deeply and exquisitely sampled Titanium Chimes captured to perfection with a stereo-pair of large-diaphragm Neumann microphone through a Universal Audio pre-amp: Tons of Samples Create Your Own Glisses 3-Band EQ Reverb Beautiful & Hollow! ![]() 钛编钟有一个惊人的美丽和音乐中空的声音。非常独特,你可以添加美妙的声音钛钛到你的音响托盘今天! 深深和精美采样钛编钟捕获完美的立体声对大光圈诺伊曼麦克风通过一个通用音频前置放大器: 吨的样品 创建你自己的Glisses 3频段均衡器 混响 美丽与空洞! |