GrainSpace is a granular processor focused on real-time granularization and reverberation of the incoming audio signal. GrainSpace provides dynamic grain generation (up to 32 per channel), 7 grain parameters, 3 grain modulators (including an 11 waveforms LFO), smearing and reverb to create crazy sound effects, rich textures and much more. SPECIFICATIONS - Real-Time Granular Engine - Recording Buffer of 2 seconds - Playback modes: Stereo, Mono (L R), Side - Up to 32 grains per channel - Grain Size up to 500ms - 7 Grain Parameters (Size, Distance, Pitch, Feedback, Freeze, Position and Stretch) - 3 Grain Modulators (LFO, Random Size, Random Pitch) - Tempo sync’d LFO with 11 waveforms - Smearing - Reverb GrainSpace重点是一个细粒度的处理器实时granularization和混响的输入的音频信号。GrainSpace提供动态纹理生成每通道(32),7粒参数,3粒调节器(包括11波形LFO),涂抹和混响创造疯狂的声音效果,丰富的纹理和更多。 规范 ——实时的引擎 ——记录2秒的缓冲 ——播放模式:音响,Mono R(L),一面 - 32粒/通道 ——粒度500 ms - 7粒参数(大小、距离、螺距、反馈、冻结、位置和拉伸) - 3粒调节器(LFO、随机大小随机球场) ——节奏同步会LFO 11波形 - - - - - -涂 ——混响 |