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合成器集 Puremagnetik Retro Synths 1980s plus Bundle for KONTAKT

2020-4-23 08:37| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 866| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

软件格式:KONTAKT,for live,for logic

Retro Synths 1980s +Plus teleports your studio back to the days of big hair, neon spandex, catchy lead riffs and of course… huge, epic synthesizers. Loaded with 9 packs and over 4 Gigabytes of resurrected classic instruments, Retro Synths 1980s +Plus puts the greatest sounds of the ‘80s right into your session.

Retro Synths 1980s +Plus includes DeeEx, Jax, Juniper Part One, Juniper Part Two, Phazeform Vol 1, Phazeform Vol 2, SixVoice, Synbotik and Vespine in Live, Kontakt and Logic formats.

Step into 1983 FM synthesis with Puremagnetik’s DeeEx! This collection of sounds includes pads, leads, basses, percussion and more, all captured from the legendary Yamaha DX7 synthesizer.

Experience a collection of epic sounds that defined an era in synthesis and pop music alike. Jax brings one of the coolest things about 1985 right to your desktop with a sound set recorded exclusively from a vintage JX-8P and re-programmed as an Ableton Live Pack, Kontakt Instrument and Apple Logic library.
Used by Depeche Mode, Europe, The Cure and more, the JX-8P DCO (Digitally Controlled Oscillator) synthesizer defined a milestone era in pop music history. Now, Puremagnetik has condensed these sounds into an easy to use collection of programs for Ableton Live, Kontakt and Logic.

Juniper Part 1
Juniper Part One is a collection of expertly crafted instruments based on the legendary Jupiter series analog synthesizers.
Acclaimed for their huge polyphonic sound, pristine filters and oscillators, the Jupiter series can now be experienced right from your desktop. Puremagnetik’s Juniper has been sampled using the Jupiter’s voicing structure and dynamic filter responses to create a playable, multi-sampled collection of instruments - all of this in Ableton Live Pack, Kontakt Instrument and Logic library formats.

Juniper Part 2
Juniper Part Two is a collection of expertly crafted instruments based on the legendary Jupiter 6, 8 and MKS analog synthesizers. It adds over 700 high quality multi-samples to your library in Ableton Live Pack, Kontakt Instrument and Logic library formats.

Phazeform Vol 1
This is a library loaded with a captivating collection of instruments and phrases based on Casio’s classic Phase Distortion technology.
Phazeform also includes a comprehensive sound set from the VL-Tone pocket synth/calculator guaranteed to pack your session with that classic Casio electronic sound.

Phazeform Vol 2
Phazeform Vol 2 contains a mega collection of CZ-1 phase distortion patches, the complete tonal bank from the original SK-1 and a ton of percussion elements.

SixVoice includes over 30 multisample patches from the legendary Korg PolySix synthesizer. The PolySix is famous for its huge analog basses and leads while defining its own unique sounds with Curtis chip filters, a bucket-brigade style ensemble effect and six voice unison mode.

Synbotik brings the famous old-school, early digital flavor of the DK Synergy into this decade. With only an estimated 100 units still functioning in the world, this is a rarity that should not be missed.
It is now available as an Ableton Live Pack, Kontakt Instrument and Logic Library.

Vespine includes over 30 expertly tailored programs that fully capture the characteristic charm of the legendary EDP Wasp synthesizer. The original analog synth's parameters have been faithfully recorded and programmed in Ableton Live Pack, Kontakt Instrument and Logic library formats.

20世纪80年代的复古+加上你的演播室回到大头发,霓虹灯弹奏,迷人的主角,当然……巨大的史诗合成器。加载9包和超过4千兆字节的复活经典仪器,复古时代80 + +把最伟大的声音80年代正好进入您的会话。

20世纪80年代的复古+加上包括DeEX、Jax、Juniper第一部分、Juniper第二部分、PaseValm VL 1、PaseValm VL 2、SuxVoice、SybTik和VurPin在Lovion、KoTakt和逻辑格式中。

步进1983 FM合成与普雷莫蒂克的DEEX!这一系列的声音包括垫片,引线,低音,打击和更多,所有从传说中的雅马哈DX7合成器捕获。

体验一个史诗般的声音集合,在合成和流行音乐中定义了一个时代。JAX带来了1985个最酷的东西之一,你的桌面上有一个声音集专门记录从一个古董JX-8P,并重新编程为AbtLon Live PACK,KONTKT仪器和苹果逻辑库。
由Dekes模式,欧洲,治愈和更多,JX-8P DCO(数字控制振荡器)合成器定义了流行音乐史上的一个里程碑时代。现在,PurReMiTyk已经把这些声音浓缩成一个易于使用的Abtoon Live,KoTakt和逻辑程序集合。

广受欢迎的巨大的复调声音,原始过滤器和振荡器,木星系列现在可以体验从您的桌面。PurrMyTyk的Juniper已经使用木星的浊音结构和动态滤波器响应进行采样,以创建一个可播放的、多采样的仪器集合——所有这些都在Abelton Live PACK、KONTKT仪器和逻辑库格式中。

Juniper第二部分是基于传奇木星6, 8和MKS模拟合成器的精心制作的仪器的集合。它在Abelton Live PACK、KONTKT仪器和逻辑库格式中增加了700个高质量的多个样本到您的图书馆。


PaseF形态VL 2包含大量的CZ-1相位失真贴片,来自原始SK-1的完整色调银行和一吨冲击元件。

S6Voice包括来自传说中的KORG Pul6合成器的30个多样本补丁。Pix6以其巨大的模拟低音和引线而闻名,同时用柯蒂斯芯片滤波器定义了自己独特的声音,一种斗式旅式合奏效果和六种语音协调模式。

它现在可以作为AbtLon Live PACK,KONTKT仪器和逻辑库。

维斯平包括超过30个专门定制的程序,完全捕获传奇EDP黄蜂合成器的特征魅力。原来的模拟合成器的参数已经忠实地记录和编程在Abelton Live PACK,康塔克仪器和逻辑库格式。






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