A 3 oscillator super synth modelled on a mixture of analogue beasts. Designed to tap into both the classic analogue sound, whilst stepping out into the modern age with a multitude of modulation possibilities. From budding beginners making use of the extensive preset collection, to hardened synth wizards. There is something for everyone. Kontakt PlayerDownload Manual IN DETAIL Offensive Synth has 3 main oscillators with 5 independently selectable waveforms. In addition there is a Sub oscillator with sinewave, and noise. A lowpass filter, with bright and strong resonance. There are 2 ADSR envelopes for both the filter & the amp and 2 incredibly powerful multiwaveform LFOs, with multiple modulation destinations, including manipulation of each other. A versatile arpeggiator with a selection of directions and a multitude of clock synced running speeds. A polyphonic to monophonic selector with unison detune and glide. Finally there is a built in FX section that comprises of Chorus, Delay and Reverb. To add the finishing touches to all of your creations! In addition to the synths main parameters and modules, there are 68 custom designed presets in 6 different categories; ARP, Bass, FX, Lead, Pad, and Risers. Designed to inspire out of the box, or as a starting place for your own custom patches! 产品概述 一个3个振荡器超级合成器仿照模拟野兽的混合物。设计用于挖掘这两种经典的模拟声音, 同时凭借多种调制可能性踏入现代。从初露头角的初学者利用广泛的预设集合, 到强化的合成器向导。 每个人都有自己的东西。 kontakt PlayerDownload 手册 详细介绍 进攻合成器有3个主要振荡器, 5个独立可选择的波形。此外, 还有一个带有正极和噪声的子振荡器。一种低通滤波器, 具有明亮和强烈的共振。有 2个 adsr 信封的过滤器和放大器和2个令人难以置信的强大的多波形 lfo, 具有多个调制目的地, 包括相互操作。 一个多功能的变形虫与选择的方向和大量的时钟同步运行速度。一种多音到单声道选择器, 具有一致的调谐和滑翔。 最后是一个内置的外汇部分, 包括合唱, 延迟和混响。为您的所有创作添加最后的润色! 除了合成器的主要参数和模块外, 还有68个不同类别中的68个自定义设计预设;arp、低音、外汇、引线、垫和立管。 设计用于激发开箱即用, 或作为您自己的自定义补丁的起点! |