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吉他音源 Insanity Samples Offensive Guitar KONTAKT

2020-4-18 09:48| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 278| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

大小:885.72 mb


OFFENSIVE GUITAR is a guitar library for Kontakt, designed primarily to tap into the more edgy and aggressive playing styles of the sorts of Guitarists Tom Waits might hire. The Marc Rebots of the world, the Beatnik/Punks. A playing style yet to be fully explored in the Sample world. Whilst this concept gave birth to the instrument, during production it evolved into a fully featured guitar library capable of both the rough and the smooth. To cater for all!

Kontakt PlayerDownload Manual

The instrument comprises of 2 separate patches. The MASTER patch where you will find the bulk of the library, and an FX patch, where all of the risers, ambiences, hits and plucks are found. Within the instrument’s GUI there are 8 main sections:

EQ - This section has a knob for BASS, MID, TREB, PRES, and an overall VOLUME. Functioning much like the knobs on a standard hardware guitar amp.

EFFECTS - This section is basically your ‘pedalboard’. With an array of cool sounding effects, the possibilities for a unique and ever modulating sound are fairly endless here!

POLY/MONO - This section acts very much like a Synthesizer in that it allow you to change from multiple notes being able to be played at a time (POLY), to only one note at a time (MONO). A useful addition when playing faster guitar solo style lines, alternatively guitar chords with POLY. THere is also an opportunity to stack the guitar voices up to 8, giving a very big and powerful sound. This can be taken to a chaotic extreme by introducing some ‘detune’, which will detune all of the voices away from each other… Best used for special effects, or the ‘FX’ patch library.

KEYSWITCHES - This section is how you move between the
different articulations of the instrument. All KeySwitches are
either clickable on the GUI and the Keyboard, from C0-D#0.

LOW PASS FILTER - This section is linked only to TREM & EBOW in the MASTER patch, but all sounds in the FX patch. Comprising of a CUTOFF slider and a RESONANCE slider to manipulate the overall sound.

ADSR ENVELOPE - This section is also only linked to the sections mentioned above. Dealing with the ATTACK, DECAY, SUSTAIN & RELEASE of these articulations/FX.

LFO 1&2 - 2 LFOs dealing with modulation of the low-pass filter for all previously mentioned sections of the instrument. A wealth of modulation possibilities awaits!


The instrument comes preloaded with a plethora of preset patches to choose from. Either to use out of the box, or to use for inspiration before moulding your own unique sound (as all presets are fully customisable just like the initial patch that loads with the instrument).


机敏的吉他库是 kontakt, 主要是为了挖掘更前卫和积极的演奏风格的吉他手汤姆·威茨可能聘请的排序。世界上的马克·雷博特, 披头士。在样品世界中尚未充分探索的游戏风格。虽然这个概念产生了这种乐器, 但在制作过程中, 它演变为一个功能齐全的吉他库, 既能粗糙又光滑。为了迎合所有人!

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该仪器由2个单独的补丁组成。master 补丁, 你会发现图书馆的大部分, 和一个 fx 补丁, 在那里所有的立管, 氛围, 命中和拔块都被发现。在仪器的 gui 中, 有8个主要部分:

eq-此部分有一个旋钮的 bass, mid, treb, pres, 和一个整体的卷。功能很像一个标准的硬件吉他放大器上的旋钮。

效果-这一节基本上是你的 ' 踏板 '。有了一系列很酷的发声效果, 一个独特的和永远调节的声音的可能性是相当无穷无尽的这里!

polyy mono-此部分的作用非常类似于合成器, 因为它允许您从能够一次播放的多个音符 (poly), 更改为一次只能播放一个音符 (mono)。一个有用的补充时, 弹更快的吉他独奏风格线, 或者吉他和弦与 poly。这也是一个机会堆叠吉他的声音高达 8, 给一个非常大和强大的声音。这可以采取一个混乱的极端, 通过引入一些 ' 调谐 ', 这将使所有的声音远离对方..。最好用于特殊效果, 或 "fx" 补丁库。

可以在 gui 和键盘上单击, 从 c0-D#0。

低通行证过滤器-此部分仅链接到主补丁中的 trem & ebow, 但在 fx 补丁中的所有声音。包括一个 cutoff 滑块和一个响应滑块来操纵整体声音。

adsr 内窥镜-此部分也仅链接到上面提到的部分。处理这些文章的攻击、decay、sustin & 润滑脂。

lfo 1 和 2-2 lfo 处理仪器前面提到的所有部分的低通滤波器的调制。大量的调制可能性等待着你!


该仪器预装了大量的预设补丁可供选择。要么使用开箱即用, 要么在塑造自己独特的声音之前使用灵感 (因为所有预设都是完全可定制的, 就像与仪器一起加载的初始补丁一样)。






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