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飞溅水声库 Wobblophones Splash KONTAKT

2020-4-16 14:12| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 332| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

大小:364 mb

Splash is a unique water sound library. It is like a liquid piano that drips and streams out of your speakers. Splash’s sounds evoke vivid imagery, adding an almost visual dimension to your music and sound design. For Splash we precisely captured three octaves of tuned falling drops and streams of water.

In the Splash library you will find two virtual instruments:


With the Splash instrument you control the splashiness of the drops and streams. The Splash instrument can also increase and reduce the bubbles in the water. Splashiness and bubbles are visualised in an animated, easy to use and fun interface. The Splash instrument has three octaves of chromatically tuned drops and streams.

When you want to dive deeper, you can use the fine tune panel for making incredibly detailed adjustments.

Using the built-in effects you can further fine tune Splash's sound or completely transform what you hear.

Nebulon Splash

Nebulon Splash is an advanced granular sample player that splits all water samples into small grains. One drop can be enough for Nebulon Splash to create oceans of atmospheres, pads, textures and sound effects. Nebulon Splash comes preloaded with all sounds from the Splash instrument, and a collection of extra high-quality recorded water sounds. For creating aquatic rhythmical patterns, Nebulon Splash has a built-in sequencer.

With the effects controls, located on the FX panel, you can tweak Nebulon Splash's dynamics with the compressor, color the sound with some EQ, bounce the sounds with the delay, and add a good amount of lush reverb.

飞溅是一个独特的水声库。它就像一架液体钢琴, 从你的扬声器里滴下来流淌。飞溅的声音唤起生动的图像, 为您的音乐和声音设计增添了几乎视觉上的维度。对于飞溅, 我们精确地捕捉到了三个八度调谐落滴和水流。

在 splash 库中, 您可以找到两个虚拟仪器:


使用飞溅仪器, 您可以控制掉落和流的飞溅。飞溅仪器还可以增加和减少水中的气泡。在一个动画、易于使用和有趣的界面中, 可以看到飞溅和泡沫。飞溅仪器有三个八度的镀铬调谐下降和流。

当您想深入了解时, 可以使用微调面板进行令人难以置信的详细调整。

使用内置的效果, 你可以进一步微调 splash 的声音或完全改变你听到的。


星云飞溅是一个先进的颗粒样体, 将所有的水样分成小颗粒。一滴水就足以让星云飞溅产生大气、垫子、纹理和音效的海洋。星云飞溅预装了所有的声音从飞溅仪器, 和额外的高品质记录水的声音集合。为了创造水生节奏模式, 星云飞溅有一个内置的音序器。

与效果控制, 位于 fx 面板上, 你可以调整星云飞溅的动力学与压缩机, 颜色的声音与一些 eq, 反弹的声音与延迟, 并添加一个良好的数额郁郁葱葱的混响。






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