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卡哇伊合成器音色 PinkNoise Studio Epik4 KONTAKT

2020-4-16 14:07| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 480| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

大小:1 GB

EPIK4 Kontakt edition is a sample library based on the sounds of KAWAI K4 synthesizer from the late 80s.

The KAWAI K4 was released in 1989 as a competitor of Roland D-50. In this point of view, EPIK4 can be considered as a sister of DEEPFLIGHT, but while the Roland D-50 has a warm analogue character, the K4's digital filter gives you fuzzy but still warm sounds.


• 270 Kontakt patches in 8 categories
- [All layers]* - 114
- K4 Arp & Short Key - 24
- K4 Atmosphere & Pad - 25
- K4 Bass & Lead (poly) - 22
- K4 Experimental & FX - 10
- K4 Key & PolySynth - 30
- K4 Monosynth - 25
- K4 String & Orchestral - 20

• 1.30 GB multisamples (1140 wav files)

• 12 midi controllable knobs for realtime tweaking and for midi automation of the most important synth parameters

• extensive editing techniques: multiple velocity layers, alternate triggering and sample starts to achieve fat, lively and vivid synth sounds

* The [All Layers] is a special folder for sound designers. It contains all melodic instrument layers separately. The patches are “clean”, without any filter effect and with default envelope settings. They can be useful if you want to create new sounds from scratch.

epik4 kontakt 版是一个基于80年代末川井 k4 合成器的声音的示例库。

kawai k4 于1989年作为罗兰-50 的竞争对手发布。从这个角度来看, epik4 可以被认为是深度飞行的姐妹, 但虽然罗兰 d-50 有一个温暖的模拟字符, 但 k4 的数字滤波器给你模糊, 但仍然温暖的声音。


·8个类别中的 270个 kontakt 补丁
-[所有图层] *-114
-k4 arp & short key-24
-k4 大气和垫-25
-k4 低音和铅 (poly)-22
-k4 实验和 fx-10
-k4 键和 polysyns-30
-k4 monosynth-25
-k4 字符串 & 管弦乐-20

· 1.30 gb 多样本 (1140 wav 文件)

·12 midi 可控旋钮, 用于实时调整和最重要合成参数的 midi 自动化

·广泛的编辑技术: 多速度层, 交替触发和样本开始实现脂肪, 活泼和生动的合成声音

* [所有图层] 是声音设计器的特殊文件夹。它分别包含所有旋律乐器层。修补程序是 "干净的", 没有任何过滤效果, 并具有默认的信封设置。如果您想从头开始创建新的声音, 它们可能会很有用。






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