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环境氛围合成器 Atom Hub Ghosts Of Autumn for Kontakt

2020-4-16 14:05| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 273| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

大小:2.18 GB

GOA is a unique dark ambient soundscape generator. Its 25 patches, each provided with 8 layers loaded with picturesque autumnal sound samples, enable you to create eerie, unsettling, but also dreamy and serene evolving atmospheres instantly.

All kinds of natural sounds, field recordings and musical instruments were used in the creation of this sample library. From the sounds of a
river, rain or wind to those of branches, grass, rocks and various animals (even pigs!), from a guitar string played with a bow to a
synthesizer, bamboo flute to plastic bottle, footsteps, or even a bicycle ride, this collection of sounds provides a wide palette of audio colors
for shaping unique, never-heard results. All samples are 24 bit/44.1 kHz wav recordings, natural sounds and field recordings around 1 minute
long and looped, tonals, pads and items similarly around several tens of seconds long, tuned and looped.


- 24 bit / 44,1 kHz wav format
- 2 GB installed
- long looped natural ambiences
- various pads, tonal instruments
and items sampled
- 25 patches with 8 layers each
- 50 patches as an inspiration
- never heard dark ambient
soundscapes in a second
- Flanger, Phaser, EQ, Filter, Stereo
Limiter, Delay, Reverb, Attack, Release controls
- Kontakt and up full version required

goa 是一个独特的黑暗环境音景发生器。它的25个补丁, 每个提供了8层加载了风景如画的秋季声音样本, 使您能够创建怪异, 令人不安, 但也梦幻般和宁静的环境发展瞬间。

在创建此样本库时, 使用了各种自然声音、现场录音和乐器。从一个声音
河流, 雨或风, 以那些树枝, 草, 岩石和各种动物 (甚至猪!), 从吉他弦演奏弓到一个
合成器, 竹笛到塑料瓶, 脚步, 甚至骑自行车, 这个声音集合提供了一个广泛的调色板的音频颜色
形成独特的, 从未听到的结果。所有样品是24位位位数 4.1 khz wav 录音, 自然声音和现场记录约1分钟
长和环绕, 顿舌, 垫和项目相似地在几十秒长附近, 调整和环绕。


-24位/44, 1 khz wav 格式
-安装了 2 gb
-25个补丁, 每个补丁8层
-法兰, 短语, eq, 过滤器, 立体声
限制器, 延迟, 混响, 攻击, 释放控制-kontakt 和完整版本所需的






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