![]() Atonal Chaos. Ligeti and The Monolith from 2001 go hand in hand... if you're next score is in need of a similar tone and some creepy atonal pads and drones, Forgotten Songs is for you! If you're familiar with classical pieces from Gygory Ligeti such as Lux Aeterna... then you already know what to expect with FS. This sort of ever evolving creeptastic choir vibe is the sound we were after for the library... albeit a bit more synthetic in tone. Through stretching, tweaking, maming, destroying, and processing various clips from old public domain vinyl recordings from the 1930s, we have achieved it. The end result is extremely creepy as some of these pads have a 10 or 20 second buildup stemming from insanely stretched choir or orchestra sounds. Also included are looped versions of many patches. Combined with the LFO control on the mod wheel and Attack / EQ controls on the GUI you can create some very organic and constantly moving creepout pads. The toggleable covolution reverb makes these sound HUGE. Forgotten Songs is also a nice addition to your aresenal if you're an artist specializing in ambient or chillout as these sounds cater to that genre rather well. Awesome PADS and AMBIENT material stemming from public domain vinyl recordings from the 30s. Atonal Choir patches, Drones, Pads, and Staccs Perfect for Sci Fi, Horror, Chillout, and Ambient music Looped and unlooped patches 25 Kontakt Instruments Highly (and easily) tweakable GUI Toggleable Convolution Reverb Control the High, Mid, and LO EQ tweaks from the GUI Control the attack of each patch from the GUI Cinematic atonal awesomeness out of the box! For the FULL version of Kontakt 4.2+ 适用于孔塔克特 + 的完整版本 (仅适用于 kontakt 播放器中的模拟模式) 区域混乱。 利盖蒂和2001年的巨歌是齐头并进的...... 如果你的下一个分数需要一个类似的语气和一些令人毛骨悚然的高音和无人机, 被遗忘的歌曲是为你! 如果你熟悉来自 gygory ligeti 的经典作品, 如 lux a身)...... 那么你已经知道了如何期望与 fs。 这种不断发展的音箱氛围是我们为图书馆追求的声音...... 尽管在语气上更有合成性。 通过拉伸、调整、修剪、销毁和处理20世纪30年代旧的公有领域乙烯基唱片中的各种剪辑, 我们实现了这一目标。 最终的结果是极其令人毛骨悚然的, 因为其中一些垫子有一个10或20秒的积累, 源于疯狂拉长的合唱团或乐团的声音。 还包括许多补丁的循环版本。结合 mod 轮上的 lfo 控制和 gui 上的攻击/eq 控件, 您可以创建一些非常有机和不断移动的爬出垫。 可切换的反积混响使这些声音很大。 被遗忘的歌曲也是一个很好的除了你的阿雷森, 如果你是一个艺术家专门从事环境或雪类似, 因为这些声音迎合了这种类型相当不错。 令人敬畏的 pads 和 am除此之外的材料来自公共领域的乙烯基录音从30年代。 特色合唱补丁、无人机、垫子和雅乐 完美的科幻, 恐怖, 恐怖, 和环境音乐 环状和未循环的补丁 25 kontakt 仪器 高度 (且易于) 可调整的 gui 可切换卷积混响从 gui 控制高、中和 lo eq 调整 从 gui 控制每个修补程序的攻击 电影的超强的出格! 适用于 kontakt 4.2 + 的完整版本 |