时髦、肮脏、时髦...... BadA&$ BadA&$ Gu!t@rS 是 Kontakt 驱动的吉他样本库。 50 个四重录制的电吉他即兴演奏和 40 个额外的 C 和 E 调令人讨厌和时髦的舔 所有样本均以 24 位、44.1 kHz 录制 库大小:336 MB 您可以完全访问 .wav 文件 至少联系 5.8.1 Groovy, dirty, funky ... BadA&$ BadA&$ Gu!t@rS is a Kontakt driven guitar sample library. 50 quadruple recorded electric guitar riffs and 40 additional nasty and funky licks in the key of C and E all samples have been recorded in 24bit, 44.1 kHz library size: 336 MB you have full access to the .wav files at least Kontakt 5.8.1 |