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高级音序合成器 Homegrown Sounds Dark Matter v1.10 KONTAKT

2021-5-24 11:41| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 534| 评论: 0

大小:567.7 MB

Dark Matter是一种高级循环重新排序器,可以多种方式与速度同步的循环一起使用。它有13个音序器行,在其7个音库的核心上使用889个循环,包括合成音序,变形音,广播音,鼓打击和循环。可以使用切片定序器在每个步骤中选择其中任何一个的节,这可以选择16个起点。每个库还具有22种模式,其中包括LFO斩波和反向模式。








原始资料使用分布在7个Bank上的889 Loop,如下所示:

用模拟四和DSI Evolver专门为该乐器制作的模拟-合成器序列。
命中A –单个鼓命中按顺序链接。
Hits B –架子鼓第二乐曲。
鼓环A –各种鼓环的集合。
鼓环B –另一套不同口味的鼓环。

Time Machine Pro倒转
TM –这些使用Kontakts音调机模式发出细腻的声音
LQ –它们在低质量模式下使用Time Machine。
BM –节拍机器模式,它倾向于像门控效果那样将切片分割开。
明亮–使用TM Pro,但共振峰声音更明亮。
第8章-斩波模式使用LFO SAW形状来影响音量和过滤器截止。
章16 –撤消
SQ CHOP 8 –使用方波,
SQ CHOP 8 –冲销
SQ CHOP 16 –已撤销
SINE Slow –在自由同步模式下使用正弦波。
Dark Matter is an Advanced Loop Re-Sequencer which works with tempo synced Loops in a variety of ways. It has 13 Sequencer Rows and uses 889 loops across 7 Banks at it’s core which includes Synth Sequences, Morphing Sounds, Radio Sounds, Drum Hits and Loops. Sections of any of these can be selected on each step using the Slice Sequencer which allows and of 16 start points to be chosen. There are also 22 modes for each bank that include things such as LFO Chops and reverse modes.

The Main Sequencer can have different step lengths per Row which allows building complex polyrhythmic sequences easily and quickly. It can run freestyle or be forced to reset every X steps. A major focus of the sequencer is that every knob can be recorded as DAW automation so it is possible to evolve a sequence throughout a mix.

Drak Matter SnapshotsThere is also a snapshot feature which features 12 virtual Sequences which can be copied from the main Sequencer. They are either triggered via a dedicated octave of Midi Triggers, or the buttons can be automated. The send to snapshot buttons can also be automated and so there is the creative freedom to make snapshots as part of the performance.

The snapshots are rolled out to 16 steps from the polyrhythmic sequence, which means they are always in sync. Also Because shifting a polyrhythmic sequence left/right is impossible should you want to change the start step, it can be copied to a snapshot, shifted and sent back which works most of the time. There are two playback modes defined by the Edit switch. With the edit switch off, the knobs of the main Sequence are hidden but the snapshot will play back meaning that Automation will not overwrite the snapshot. When not automating edit mode provides full editing so it can be used more like a traditional pattern Sequencer.

There are Randomizers for every row and column and lots of Randomize custom options. It also has a feature for adding random values to a row and a probability to determine how often it happens. There is also a Probability Row which determines how often selected steps will trigger.

Red MatterThe v1.1 Update adds a Second Instrument called Red Matter which is identical to Dark Matter except it uses a traditional Pattern based system like Emergent Properties and other HGS Instruments. The update also includes the addition of Remix, Copy to All and a Row Option menu to each Sequencer row to Dark Matter. The Row menu functions can be used to duplicate x steps or to copy the row to any or all Patterns, as well as Copy/Remix the Row in all other sequences.

A video showing some of the presets, but its easy and fun to create your own.

A guide to the features:

The source material uses 889 Loops spread over 7 Banks as follows:

Analog – Synth Sequences made with an Analog Four and DSI Evolver specifically for this Instrument.
Morphs – A set of sounds which morph between different sounds As well as some classic Wavetable morphs.
Mixed – More morphs and a collection of radio voices and morse code.
Hits A – Single Drum hits chained in sequence.
Hits B – A 2nd bank of Drum Hits.
Drum Loops A – A collection of diverse drum loops.
Drum Loops B – A second set of drum loops With a different flavour.
There are 22 Modes available which use different timestretch algorithms and sound manipulation, including modes which use LFOs to chop the Volume/Cutoff and Reverse modes. This can be very interesting sequencing them using a single loop. The available Modes are as follows:

 Time Machine Pro
Time Machine Pro Reversed
TM – These use Kontakts Tone Machine Mode for a Granular Sound
LQ – These use the Time Machine in Low Quality Mode.
BM – Beat Machine Mode which tends to split up the slices more like a Gate Effect.
BRIGHT – Uses TM Pro but has a brighter formant sound.
CHOPPER 8 – The Chopper Modes use an LFO SAW shape to affect the Volume and Filter Cutoff.
CHOPPER 8 – Reversed
CHOPPER 16 – Reversed
CHOPPER 32 – Reversed
CHOPPER 6 – Reversed
CHOPPER 3 – Reversed
SQ CHOP 8 – uses a Square Waveform,
SQ CHOP 8 – Reversed
SQ CHOP 16 – Reversed
SINE Slow – uses a Sine wave in free sync mode.





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