喷火工作室黄铜专业 你的创造力,你的控制 喷火工作室黄铜是我们至关重要的全新喷火工作室管弦乐团系列中的第二个版本。两年的酝酿中,我们的雄心壮志是创建一个令人难以置信的多功能的亲端,干阶段样品库。通过选择空气工作室一号的清晰和充满活力的设置,一个比华丽的林德赫斯特大厅更小,更可控的空间,我们为我们的同事作曲家提供一个铜管库与深度,细节和真棒冲床。这是一个完整的黄铜家族的聚会,包括不太频繁听到的亲戚,如低音喇叭,反面浴缸和辛巴索。史诗电源在水龙头上,但它配备了干燥阶段的优雅和精确的细节。喷火工作室黄铜专业捕捉最广泛的情感范围的表现,与丰富的表达。选择独奏、二重唱或部分表演;意识到你的音乐的细节与膨胀,飘动的舌头和断断续续的刺,以及传统的表达:从放置在超级接近播放器的麦克风中进行选择,通过在 Air Studio One 边缘的离线器和环境进行选择-或混合和匹配绝对色调控制。 SPITFIRE STUDIO BRASS PROFESSIONAL YOUR CREATIVITY, YOUR CONTROL Spitfire Studio Brass is the second release in our vital all-new Spitfire Studio Orchestra range. Two years in the making, our ambition was to create an incredibly versatile pro-end, dry-stage sample library. By choosing the crisp and vibrant setting of Air Studio One, a smaller, more controllable space than the opulent Lyndhurst Hall, we offer our fellow composers a brass library with depth, detail and awesome punch. This is a full gathering of the brass family, including less frequently heard relatives such as bass trumpet, contrabass tuba and cimbasso. Epic power is on tap, but it comes with the grace and pinpoint detail of the dry stage. Spitfire Studio Brass Professional captures the widest emotional range of performance, with abundant articulations. Choose solo, duet or section performances; realise the detail of your music with swells, flutter tongues and staccatissimo stabs as well as traditional articulations; choose from microphones placed super-close to the player, through to outriggers and ambients at the edges of Air Studio One – or mix and match for absolute tonal control. |