阿尔 · 施密特 我们非常自豪地宣布我们的第一个签名插件,开发无非是传奇的制片人工程师阿尔施密特。我们的团队分析了 Al 过去几十年的工作流程、齿轮和流程,从细微的谐波特性到回声、压缩和 EQ。这引导我们创造独特的功能,定义他的声音。 Al施密特阿尔 · 施密特有6个不同的配置文件:声乐,钢琴,低音,黄铜,字符串和混音(总线)。每一个都有不同的声波特征和参数,基于Al的工作流程和感知每个仪器。蒸馏到最小的控制,并构思,让您立即得到你的声音。 AL SCHMITT We are really proud to announce our first signature plugin, developed with none other than legendary producer-engineer Al Schmitt. Our team analyzed Al’s workflow, gear and processes of the last decades, from subtle harmonic characteristics to echos, compression and EQ. This then led us to create distinctive features that define his sound. The Al Schmitt signature plugin has 6 distinct profiles: vocal, piano, bass, brass, strings, and mix (bus). Each one has different sonic characteristics and parameters based on Al’s workflow and perception of each instrument. Distilled to minimal controls, and conceived to allow you to get your sound instantly. home.php?mod=space&uid=1&do=blog&id=3372 |