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无反射混响插件 Zynaptiq.ADAPTIVERB.v1.1.0 PC版

2020-11-15 09:52| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 657| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

ADAPTIVERB is a revolutionary reflectionsless reverberation plugin. Unlike traditional reflection-based acoustic room modeling, ADAPTIVERB adds perceived depth, harmonic richness, and butter-smooth tails without obscuring the source. Preserving the tonal definition and directness of your mix, it adds size, glue and body – making it perfect for mixing and mastering applications alike.

Powered by ray tracing, source separation, and advances in artificial intelligence, ADAPTIVERB automatically adapts to the input audio like a chameleon, blending with your sounds perfectly, and conforming its reverb tail to the tonality of the input or a user defined set of notes. While exceptionally fast to use, its advanced synthesis, cross-filtering and reverb pitch processing functionality provides ambient artists, film composers and sound designers with exciting new creative options for making evolving drones, organic pads, lush ambient sound scapes, and more.






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