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合成器 Homegrown Sounds Reanimator v1.1 KONTAKT

2020-4-9 15:31| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 305| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

大小:806.83 mb

Product Description
Reanimator is an advanced dual sequencer which re-sequences Loop Slices. there are 2 identical machines and each can sequence Trigger/Volume, Filter Cutoff, the Wave Index (which of the 126 loops in a bank will play) and which of the 16 Slices will play. This is a powerful and creative process which can yield surprising results. Furthermore, the Modulation Wheel is used to offset the current Wave Index for instantly remixing the Sequence, and it can also be used to find the most interesting variation and then by using the Set Wheel button store it to the sequencer.
The machines also can select a Filter type from a large list, loop Speed, set the Cutoff and Resonance, set the Filter Envelope amount and Decay time, the Volume Decay time, a 24 semitone pitch offset, Pan and Machine Volume. All of these parameters can be automated by the DAW which adds a lot of scope to the Instruments capabilities.
There are 3 banks which all use Loops made with a DSI Evolver which are all recorded at 100BPM. Reanimator uses time stretching so that it is possible to play the loops at a constant tempo and change the pitch, although the further you get away from the original pitch, the more artifacts will be heard which can be interesting. By default it uses kontakt High Quality algorithm which can get a bit CPU heavy with extreme speeding up or with high pitches, and so a second identical instrument is also included which uses normal Quality Time Stretching which uses less CPU.
Reanimator also includes an FX Section with Reverb + a selection of Impulse Responses, Stereo Clocked delay and a choice of Flanger, Phaser or Chorus. There are Randomizers at the local and Global level tuned to give interesting results, as well as a Default system which can be customized. Finally it has it’s own preset system which is always visible ready to load or save presets.



机器还可以从大型列表中选择滤波器类型、循环速度、设置截止和共振、设置滤波器包络量和衰减时间、体积衰减时间、24 个半音间距偏移、平移和机器体积。所有这些参数都可以由 DAW 自动执行,这为仪器功能增加了大量范围。

有3个银行,他们都使用循环与DSI进化器,这些都是记录在100BPM。Reanimator 使用时间拉伸,以便可以以恒定的节奏播放循环并更改音高,尽管离原始音高越远,就会听到更多可能很有趣的伪像。默认情况下,它使用 kontakt 高品质算法,它可以得到一点 CPU 重与极端加速或高间距, 因此,第二个相同的仪器也包括在内,使用正常质量时间拉伸,使用较少的 CPU.

重新充电还包括一个FX部分与混响 - 脉冲响应的选择,立体声时钟延迟和选择的法兰格,相位或合唱。本地和全局级别都调整了随机化器以提供有趣的结果,以及可自定义的默认系统。最后,它有它自己的预设系统,它总是可见的准备加载或保存预设。





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