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蓝草和民间乐器素材 Big Fish Audio Neo Folk KONTAKT

2020-4-9 15:27| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 240| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

大小: 3.1 GB

With the recent enormous success of artists like Mumford and Sons, The Lumineers, The Civil Wars, Alabama Shakes, The Avett Brothers, etc., the past couple years have seen Neo-Folk saturating the airwaves. Not only brought in by artists and performers, Neo-Folk has become extremely popular in commercials, film, and TV music.

NEO-FOLK is an amalgam of roots music created by the confluence of the shared traditions that make up the Americana musical ethos, specifically those sounds that are merged from Folk, Country, Bluegrass, Roots Rock, and Blues.

The spirit of NEO-FOLK draws parallels to the ideals of Americana, Indie Rock, and Indie Folk, resulting in a distinctive roots-oriented sound that lives in a world apart from the pure forms of the genres upon which it draws.

This collection of 24 NEO-FOLK construction kits include all the Bluegrass and Folk instruments that embody the ever-popular genre: banjo, mandolin, dobro, fiddle, and guitar, each played with a rhythmic style based in Alternative Rock and Folk. The instruments are performed by an all star line up: Dennis Caplinger (JJ Cale, Eric Clapton) on guitar, dobro, mandolin, fiddle, banjo; session bassist Josquin des Pres; and groove master drummer Danny Barragan (Frankie J, Pitbull).

These construction kits are 100% royalty free and ready to use in songs, music libraries, film, TV, commercials, or any form of audio production. Inject some Neo Folk roots flavor into your music with this fastidious collection of instrument loops and samples. Use as full construction kits to build a track around, or individually cut up and process the loops for a more experimental use. Finally, all the content is available in acidized WAV, REX, and Apple Loops.
KLI Series
This product is part of Big Fish Audio's KLI series, which includes a custom Kontakt interface. The Kontakt format features patches of each loop. Customize each loop with the "sliced loops" patches. The Sliced Loop patches lay out each individual slice of a loop across the keyboard, making it easy to create new and original custom parts. The "Kit Combos" allow you to arrange full construction kits quickly and easily with a custom mixer and a host of included fx. Create, arrange, tweak, and mix all within the Kontakt format. Neo Folk also includes Multi-Track Drums which are all individual mic placements on the drum kit for custom mixing.

Neo Folk Kontakt format also includes "Instrument Set" patches where each group of instruments has been given their own instrument to quickly find the exact part to fit your needs. For example all the Banjo loops from the whole product can be found in the patch called "Banjos.nki".

The KLI version of this product comes in both Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 5 versions. For those with the full version of Kontakt 5, take advantage of the new high quality and extremely flexible new time stretching algorithm as well as a bunch of new included FX.


NEO-FOLK 是根音乐的混合体,由构成美国音乐精神的共同传统融合而成,尤其是那些融合了民间、乡村、蓝草、根摇滚和蓝调的声音。

NEO-FOLK 的精神与美式、独立摇滚和独立民间的理想相提并论,从而产生了独特的以根为导向的声音,它生活在一个与纯粹流派形式不同的世界中。


这些建筑套件是100%免版税,并准备用于歌曲,音乐图书馆,电影,电视,广告,或任何形式的音频制作。注入一些新民间根的味道到你的音乐与这个挑剔的乐器循环和样品的集合。用作完整的构造套件,以构建轨道,或单独剪切和处理循环,以便进行更具实验性的利用。最后,所有内容都提供酸化 WAV、REX 和 Apple 循环。
KLI 系列
本产品是大鱼音频的KLI系列的一部分,其中包括一个定制的Kontakt接口。Kontakt 格式具有每个循环的修补程序。使用"切片循环"修补程序自定义每个循环。切片循环补丁在键盘上布置了循环的每个单独切片,从而可以轻松地创建新的和原始的自定义部件。"Kit Combos"允许您使用自定义混合器和一系列包含的 fx 快速轻松地排列完整的构造套件。在 Kontakt 格式中创建、排列、调整和混合所有格式。Neo Folk 还包括多轨鼓,这是所有单独的麦克风放置在鼓套件自定义混合。

Neo Folk Kontakt 格式还包括"乐器套装"补丁,其中每组乐器都被赋予了自己的乐器,以快速找到适合您的需求的确切部件。例如,整个产品中的所有 Banjo 循环都可以在名为"Banjos.nki"的修补程序中找到。

该产品的 KLI 版本有 Kontakt 4 和 Kontakt 5 版本。对于那些与Kontakt 5的完整版本, 利用新的高品质和极其灵活的新时间拉伸算法,以及一堆新的包括FX.





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