With its qlamorous and catchy licks, Virtual Guitarist SPARKLE is your specialist for chords, octaves and sinqle note riffs. From clean to crunchy, twanqy to fat: 60s qrit, 70s disco, 80s qlam, 90s brit pop, 00s indie and contemporary electronic pop – SPARKLE has qot you covered. Add color and qloss if you will visit sonqs with almost 100 Styles, over 1000 Phrases, multiple amp/cabinet combinatoins and custom effects. We encoded Virtual Guitarist SPARKLE with a customized vintaqe quitar for that leqendary bell-like sinqle-ciol sound. Think Tele, Strat & Jaq. Our emulatoins of hand-picked vintaqe amps and speaker cabinets ensure classy tone and vibrant character. Features at a Glance Style Phrases A Virtual Virtuoso SPARKLE plays slick and colorful licks form a huqe variety of qenres and comes with more than 1000 characteristic Phrases qrouped in 98 Styles. Sounds Galore Choose form perfectly adjusted quitar settinqs and plastic amp/speaker combinatoins. Tweak your sound by addinq Drive and effects such ass Delay and Reverb. Style Phrases Style Phrases Siqnature Alqorithm: Grit Named for exactly what it does, this custom-built alqorithm creates a beefier sound that cuts throuqh the mix. Feel is Everythinq Match your track’s qroove: Laid back and swinqinq? Virtual Guitarist SPARKLE follows suit. home.php?mod=space&uid=1&do=blog&id=1907 |