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环境电影音效 Audiofier Venkatt KONTAKT

2020-6-15 12:34| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 629| 评论: 0

大小:2.21 GB

Venkatt 是一个 20 x 4 层环境机器,您的下一个最喜欢的工具为您的环境制作和电影比分。
4 声层
Venkatt 提供 4 个声音图层,具有独特的功能:攻击层仅包含瞬态声音。"持续层"仅包含无攻击的声音。结合这两个,你实际上是结合两个不同的乐器字符,并创建一个全新的工具。想象一下,一个声音与一个齐瑟和声音的身体的攻击。结合20反向声音和20个序列的声音从反向和节奏层,你有丰富,不断发展,独特的补丁在您的处置。
每层最多 20 个声音!
此功能使快速创建新声音变得异常容易,并使预设变得多余。选择哪些参数将包含在 Venkat 声音生成过程中,每次创建新的令人兴奋的声音组合。
200+ 预设
第 4 层提供具有特殊功能的定序器。卷润效果的干声和湿声将由文卡特控制,以创造有趣的节奏声音变化。
 我们最简单的 GUI
所有参数都放在一页 GUI 中。没有隐藏的菜单和页面。您需要的所有控件都触手可及。
Venkatt is a 20 x 4 Layers Ambient Machine, Your next favourite tool for your ambient productions and filmscores.
4  Sound Layers
Venkatt offers 4 sound layers with unique features: The Attack layer includes only Transient sounds. The Sustain Layer includes only sounds without attack. When you combine this two, you are actually combining two different instruments characters and creating a brand new instrument. Imagine a sound with the attack of a zither and the body of a voice. Couple this with 20 reverse sounds and 20 sequenced sounds from the Reverse and Rhythmic layers and you have rich, evolving, unique patches at your disposal.
Up to 20 sounds per layer!
All 20 sounds per layer can be selected and played at once! Can your computer bear the power of Venkatt?
Create with one click
This feature makes it incredibly easy to create new sounds quickly and makes presets redundant. Choose which  parameters will be included in Venkat sound generation process  creating new exciting sounds combinations every time.
It also possible to undo the latest randomisation and get back to the previous one.
200+ Presets
Explore the world of Venkatt unique sounds with our specially curated presets which show off Venkatt’s potential. Edit them to your liking and make them your own.
 Vari Convolution Sequencer
Layer 4 offers a sequencer with special features. The dry and Wet sound of the Convolver effect will be controlled by Venkatt to create interesting rhythmic sound changes.
The Sequence can be set to Loop mode, to continue until the key is pressed, or to NoLoop mode, to play only once and achieve creative repetitions effects.
 Our Simplest GUI
All parameters all laid out in a one page GUI. No hidden menus and pages. All the controls you need are at your fingertips.





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