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浩劫吉他 SampleCraft LLC Havoc Guitars KONTAKT

2020-5-27 10:11| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 181| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

Havoc Guitars is a collection of cinematic inspired resynthesized, processed and prepared guitar recordings for cinematic scoring and epic trailer music.

Standing 1.4 gigabytes, Havoc Guitars features include 40 sound patches ranging from chords,loops,melodic instruments and gritty prepared fx great for horror scoring. Its two channel engine offers independent controls for amplitude,filters,stereo width,semi(pitch),key range,delay and reverse.

All samples are recorded in 24-bit acidized .wavs. Samples are in open wave file format,allowing drag and drop right into your DAW projects

Effortlessly blend between two sources. A standout feature of Havoc Guitars is its "Havoc Blender". Here users may load two simultaneous sound patches, with there own independent controls, and use the Havoc Blender to mix between the two sounds. This opens up many interesting possibilities, such as creating new timbres or harmonies for example.

40 patches (Chords,Melodic,Loops,Prepared Fx,Pads)
Load and blend between two patches
Individual Amp,Filter,Tuning,Stereo,and Effect controls for both channels
Approx. 1.4 GB installed size
24bit Acidized Wavs
Open wave file format. Allowing “drag and drop” samples right into your DAW projects






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