Aria Sounds LSS Solo Strings – Solo Violin KONTAKT | 2.73 Gb 采样了三种连奏模式–口音,低头和滑音。这些在使用过程中可以通过按键开关轻松切换,并且一个非常有用的功能(可以震惊地说我们在字符串库中很少见到)是能够在同一音符上改变弓弦的功能。只需按住要改变弓的音符,然后按低G键开关即可。断奏和整个音色的颤音也包括在内,断音的每个音符有24个变体,因此永远不会重复播放-也可以通过按键开关进行切换。包括的另一个功能是在播放和释放最终音符时可以更改释放声音的功能。软释放是正常地从琴弦上移开琴弓,但是通过按键切换,您也可以选择硬释放,这会触发硬释放。这是演奏者以尖锐的渐强音和迅速重音的弓形抬起结束音符的声音。 Three legato modes were sampled – slurred, bowed and portamento. These are easily switchable during use via keyswitches, and one exceptionally useful feature, which we are shocked to say we rarely see in string libraries, is the ability to change bow on the same note. Simply hold the note you want to change bow on, and press the low G keyswitch. Staccato and whole tone trills are also included, with the staccatos having 24 variations per note so as to never sound repetitive – also switchable via keyswitch. Another feature included is the ability to alter the release sound when the final note is played and released. A soft release is a normal removal of the bow from the string, but through keyswitching, you can also select hard release, which triggers a hard release. This is the sound of a player ending the note with a sharp crescendo and quick accented lift of the bow. |