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小提琴独奏 Aria Sounds LSS Solo Strings Solo Violin KONTAKT

2020-5-17 10:54| 发布者: ajin| 查看: 440| 评论: 0|原作者: ajin

Aria Sounds LSS Solo Strings – Solo Violin KONTAKT | 2.73 Gb
这是我们“ LSS独奏弦”样本库捆绑包中的单个独奏小提琴乐器,它也替代了我们以前的独奏小提琴,在质量上甚至无法与之媲美。我们已经在一个美丽的伦敦大型音乐厅中采样了该乐器,该音乐厅配有许多麦克风,构成了四个主要的可混合的麦克风视角,近距离单声道,近距离对,中间房间和远处房间。视角的差异很大,这意味着您可以创建各种声音,从非常干燥和近距离的声音到唱歌,自然回响的远距离小提琴,以及两者之间的任意程度。

This is the individual solo violin instrument from our “LSS Solo Strings” sample library bundle, which also replaces our previous solo violin, and is not even comparable in quality. We have sampled the instrument in a large beautiful London concert hall, with many microphones, making up four main, mixable mic perspectives, close mono, close pair, mid room and far room. The difference in perspectives is huge, meaning you can create sounds ranging from a very dry and up close sound, to a singing, naturally reverberated distant violin – as well as any degree between the two.

Three legato modes were sampled – slurred, bowed and portamento. These are easily switchable during use via keyswitches, and one exceptionally useful feature, which we are shocked to say we rarely see in string libraries, is the ability to change bow on the same note. Simply hold the note you want to change bow on, and press the low G keyswitch. Staccato and whole tone trills are also included, with the staccatos having 24 variations per note so as to never sound repetitive – also switchable via keyswitch. Another feature included is the ability to alter the release sound when the final note is played and released. A soft release is a normal removal of the bow from the string, but through keyswitching, you can also select hard release, which triggers a hard release. This is the sound of a player ending the note with a sharp crescendo and quick accented lift of the bow.






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