Nintendo Gameboy Papu可以模拟任天堂Gameboy的声音,包含两个方波通道,其中第一个通道可以扫频,另外还有一个噪音通道。 Nintendo Entertainment System RP2A03模拟了任天堂的Ricoh 2A03芯片声音,有两个通道的方波和一个通道的三角波,还有一个通道的噪音。 Commodore 64 SID是Commodore 64里MOS Technology SID芯片的模拟,三个振荡器,包含方波、三角波、噪音和锯齿波四种波形。每个振荡器都有独立ADSR包络,每个振荡器之间还可以做硬同步和铃声调制,带有高/低/带通滤波器。 Sega Master System SN76489模仿了SEGA和其它主机使用的Texas Instruments SN76489芯片,三个方波通道,3复音,2个模式的一个噪音通道。 Like all Tracktion DAW applications, T6 features an intuitive, single-screen interface. Input, waveform and mixer – including EQ, level, pan and plugins – are laid out from left-to-right. Simply drag-and-drop additional features and automation on any track as needed. Unlimited numbers of audio and MIDI tracks, combined with a professional feature set, allow you to compose, record, edit, mix and share your music with ease. Modest CPU requirements make T6 ideal for use on nearly any Mac, Windows or Linux (see requirements) computer. VST & AU Plugin Compatibility No Track Limits Mac, Windows, Ubuntu |